My beloved mom seemed like a
pretty emotionally strong person. As a kid, I didn’t see her cry often. But at
her mom’s funeral, she wept aloud and she wept hard – I don’t think anything
broke my heart more. That is, until my own mom died. Then I never wept so
uncontrollably in my whole life. Such overwhelming sadness! Such personal loss…
Why am I bringing up such
dark, painful memories now? Especially when beautiful spring weather and Easter
Sunday are right around the corner…
Because today is Maundy
Thursday. All these gray Lenten days are culminating in a truth that
my heart can hardly bear:
Christ Jesus died…
for me.
I look back over my life and
realize how lost, lost… lost…. And far from God I was. No promise of a
beautiful life in heaven on my own merit. No hope at all. Separated from the
God of all possibilities…
There’s a passage in
Revelations, chapter 5, where, after describing this incredible, beyond human
imagination scene unfolding before his eyes, John then hears a booming voice
“Who is worthy to break the
seal and open the scroll?” (Rev. 5:2)
John’s response? Read the
first line of verse 4:
I wept and wept because no
one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside.
And I ask you to pause there
for a moment. Conjure up a memory of a time when you wept and wept because it
felt like there was no hope in overcoming some tremendous, heartbreaking, emotional pain you were
experiencing. And then ponder this deep truth:
Christ Jesus died…
for you.
(read each word slowly)
And now – the good news.
Continue reading verse 4:
Then one of the elders said
to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David,
has triumphed. He is able…
He is able…
Tears may last
for a night, but joy comes in the morning
And He will wipe away
every tear from your eyes· I love you! All is forgiven
Thanks! As often is the case, I am unsure about writing certain things - but when it feels like God has His mind made up, it gets posted!