Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dinner is served

… actually, He already knew what He would do. – John 6:6


Actually: existing in reality

Already: by or before the given or implied time


This little phrase from last Sunday’s gospel reading caught my eye. Actually, He already knew … It’s in reference to feeding 5,000 people and Jesus says this to stretch Philip's faith. Bread for all these people? But how? How indeed. I would certainly be at a loss!


I wonder how many times that phrase could have been used in the bible – either in talking about Jesus, or God the Father, or even the Holy Spirit. How often do you think – in actuality – it was already known what was going to be done? Now before you get all excited with me and say, “a zillion times” with utmost confidence, think about this. If that was true then, and God never changes, is it true still today? In our lives? Does God actually already know what He is going to do? With impossible situations? Do you think our situations are worst / harder now than in biblical times? Well, of course not.


What can we gain from this? Confidence! That in every circumstance, no matter how extreme the challenge, God Almighty already knows what He is going to do. Notice I say what HE is going to do. HE is actively involved in every measure of your life. Be assured. Be confident. Rest in this knowledge about God. He is faithful. He is unchanging. He already knows what to do.




Monday, July 27, 2015

That's far enough!

Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe”. (John 20:27)



Driving around – lost. Until at some point you throw up your hands in resignation and you stop and ask for directions. You’ve come to the point where you are going to stop guessing. You’ve had enough.

 That partying lifestyle that seemed so important in your early 20’s. At some point, you came to the line you would not cross. You’d had enough.

 And I recently saw a dieting poster that basically said the same thing: I woke up this morning and decided I’d had enough with this overweight /overeating business. Starting now, I’m living differently. Better.

 I’ve gone this far … but no farther.

 At some point, a light goes on in your head and you say, “Stop! No more. I really, really need to get on the right track. And it starts now.”

Could it be that the “light” that goes on in your head – could it be the Lord Himself? At that one certain point, you are recognizing His voice calling you to a better way.

We know the winds and the waves of the sea get stirred up but then Jesus speaks and they obey Him (Matthew 8:27). There are also several biblical accounts in the gospels of demons tormenting people’s bodies, then Jesus casts them out and they obey. And in Job’s life, Satan asks of God and again, limits are set.

Who can know the mind of God? Yet we do know His character is good and He uses everything for good.

Sin too, can only go so far. The calamities of this world may seem to be running rampant. But the Lord sees and knows all. There are limits and boundaries sin can not cross. Limits and boundaries we have no knowledge of. Yet God still rules in heaven and earth. Both the seen and the unseen.

The promise of no more sin forever is still the promise we can have certain hope for. It will come in the form of heaven for all who believe. You have to trust and believe – in the Lord God Almighty. Maker / Owner / Controller / Lover of heaven and earth. Stop trusting in your own knowledge. Stop doubting about God and believe.



Friday, July 24, 2015


When she heard about Jesus ... (Mark 5:27)

I've heard and seen from several adults who have trouble staying focused this shout out of, "Squirrel!". Though they fully intend to stay focused, something else catches their eye and they are diverted. Now they are following / tracking that. The "other" completely forgotten. Oh, how that can be true of all of us - focusing on perhaps an uncomfortable life circumstance. We need respite from our troubles. We need a "Squirrel!" moment.

Why this train of thought came to me as I was reading Mark 5:21-43 I don't know. There is a woman who had been suffering for a long time. What can we say about the previous 12 years of her life? She suffered. It must have consumed her. Then it happens. In verse 27: When she heard about Jesus ...

Oh, the hope the name of Jesus brings! The possibilities are endless! Anything can happen. And does! The circumstances may or may not change, but either way, you are empowered by the Holy Spirit to change your outlook, your attitude toward it. Stiff upper lip. Determination. Drive to see a brighter side despite the challenge. Be freed from your suffering He tells her. Squirrel!

And again, in verse 36, Jesus ignores what's being said. Ignores all these outside voices; forces. "don't be afraid." He says. "just believe!" He says. He's telling the synagogue ruler, "Look at Me. Jesus! Immediately be consumed by Me and all that I AM."

This biblical account ends with: they were completely astonished."

Whether your circumstance changes as theirs did, or your focus / attitude / outlook changes, may you be freed in the power of Jesus' name.


Monday, July 20, 2015

He's still there

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed. (Mark 1:35)

I've been a little unsettled lately. The simplest little things have bothered me. And I can't seem to work things out in my head. There's been a nagging, gnawing, upsetness just below the surface of my every day. I know I should "calm down". As a Christian woman, I know what I am supposed to do. But my normal routine has suddenly become foreign to me ...

You see, I've been sleeping in lately. And normally I am up before the dawn, with coffee and bible in hand. Journaling my prayers, releasing all my worries and cares. Taking the  time to be filled with God's love - to the point where I am able to extend love - because of His overflowing abundance of love to me. Anything that could cause upsetness seems to wash away in those early morning moments. But for over a week now, I have pushed them aside. Thinking I will get to it later in the day. And although I did call out to God from time to time throughout the day (in short, brief spurts), it was never quite the same, never quite as fulfilling, as that early morning time with Him that I experienced before.

Then today, I did get up early. And I read my bible. Drank my coffee. And immediately, immediately - a sense of calmess and peace filled me. The day that lies before me does not look overwhelming. I am not fearful or suspicious. I am fully secure in the knowledge that He is still with me.

Now I'm not here to tell all of you to get up early. That is His calling for me. It may be that He calls you in the evening, when the day is done. He wants you to reflect on all the circumstances He led you through. And to surrender all your cares over to Him so that you can get your proper rest.

Did you once have a regular time of meeting with the Lord? Have you drifted? Or maybe you have yet to establish a routine of prayer time and meditation on His Word ... May I encourage you now to make it a part of your day. Seek to know Him. Seek to receive Him. This Prince of Peace. He's still there.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Class in now in session

God’s servant must not be argumentative, but a gentle listener and a teacher who keeps cool, working firmly but patiently with those who refuse to obey. You never know how or when God might sober them up with a change of heart ... (2 Timothy 2:25 The Message)

God bless me - for I work at a childcare facility - with two-year olds! Precious when being rocked to sleep and a joy when they are playing well together. Highlights include practicing sign language and they remember from the day before; mimicking words as I read a book for the umpteenth time; screams of delight when I blow bubbles; and running through the grass with their hand in mine. Oh, if only my work day could be filled with just these kinds of moments!

But there is fighting over a toy - followed by crying. Hitting and shoving (and more crying). Running where there should be walking; climbing up on shelves and trying to open the gate to get beyond the designated play area. All disobedience (sins) of a two-year old. And my job is to keep them safe. To rescue them a thousand times from the potential dangers of their poor choices. And kindly offer other options (redirect). And some days it does feel like a thousand times! But I must not get sick of it and give up. I can't demand they learn something they aren't ready to learn. Gently, but firmly. "No, not safe." and "No, - owie!" as I scoop them up and away is my mantra.

"Go play!" only works on occasion. They do much better when I stop to interact with them. Spend time with them. The joys I listed earlier? - the books, the bubbles, the sign language - included me and we all shared in the joy.

I could just write them off as being naughty. (Don't we want to do that with some of the grown-ups in our life?) "Go, play (somewhere else and not by me)". Leaves us both more vulnerable to temptation. But together we can do and be so much more. Learning different things at a different pace perhaps - but learning and growing - being kind and gentle and accepting as you watch God work in the lives involved.

God is at work in them. Our little ones but also in the adults around us. God is still working. So be patient with where God has them now. Watch and pray as God continues His transforming work. In them and oh! In you too!

Friday, July 3, 2015

To You, God ... from me

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

Thank You, dear Lord, that I can talk to You about anything. Thank You for Your sovereignty - perfect knowledge, perfect wisdom, perfect power over all things. That I can have hope in You. Thank You for never changing. Thank You for this growing, deepening relationship. Dear God, here is something that is really bothering me ...

I will trust You, Lord. I will trust in Your involvement. Thank You again. Thank You I can turn these things over to You. Thank You I can count on You. Thank You I can rest in You. You will do something. You will act. You have seen me through many things. Today is no different and I am grateful. Grateful I can fall into Your arms and not have to deal with "it" right now -  but know You will guide my steps and my words at the proper time. I am Yours (sigh). Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for this very real sense that a burden has been lifted. That my head feels clearer for other things now. The circumstance hasn't changed at all. Yet. But I know the One Who calms the storms, commands demons out and makes the lame leap like frolicking calves. The same Lord Who never changes ... is the same then and now. Wise. Powerful. Magnificent. Lord. Of all.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Awesome God - is here

I'm an open book to You; even from a distance, You know what I'm thinking. You know when I leave and when I get back; I'm never out of Your sight. You know everything I'm going to say before I start the first sentence. I look behind me and You're there, then up ahead and You're there, too - Your reassuring presence, coming and going. This is too much, too wonderful - I can't take it all in! (Psalm 139: 2-6, The Message)

Thank You, dear God, for having everything under Your supreme, divine, and sovereign control. You are well aware of what's dying, what's lingering, what's struggling and what's starting up. The church. The cities. The small groups. Their life and breath are all in Your hands. This morning I have life and breath and Your fresh air. Birds singing. The rest of the family still blissfully sleeping. A new day dawning. Coffee and comfort. Books to read and yarns to be knitted. Still cards to create And still a porch to clean and paint. Dinner out. Another day. Thank You. Thank You for being in our midst. Thank You for being involved. Thank You contentment can mean being sure of You, God. Of Your wisdom, power, and faithfulness. Nothing can trouble. Nothing can frighten. Things may not be going perfectly smooth, but with God, its still okay. Things are moving along and God is overseeing it all. I can put all hope and trust in Him. Breathe. Zone out on God's beauty. Let it overtake me. Grass, flowers, trees, sky, sunshine, breezes. Gently sigh. Breathe.

Trust and believe that all the rest is in God's capable hands. Believe He is at work this very moment to make things aright. You are safely nestled into His holy plans. Do not be afraid. Step out in faith. Step out with a smile. He is before you, He is behind you. He is your Guard on the left and right. Look around. All around you are absolute signs of God's presence. It surrounds you no matter where you stand. Let the glory of the earth, of nature, be reminders of His infinite, everlasting presence in your life.