Monday, March 7, 2016

How much more?

If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him! (Matthew 7:11)
I know we can all relate to the first part of the verse. Oh, how we love to give good gifts, right? I remember my son being in Iraq and he called to ask for a decent pillow. Pillow? Well, of course! And I ran right out and got the best, don’t you know? And a new pillowcase, and some licorice, some cookies, and before long I had a whole big box full of stuff! What JOY it gave me – to give!
I recently had the shoe on the other foot though. I had some surgery and was laid up for a couple days. And people from all over wanted to do something, “give” me something. So I swallowed my pride and decided to give them the gift of JOY in being able to give … to participate in my wellbeing. Prayer shawls, puzzle books, and meals. Volunteers to take over Sunday School for me. People offering to do or bring anything … As hard as it was to be humbled, I also considered what it would feel like to be turned away; to be told I don’t want whatever you have to offer. How would I have felt had my son made some negative comment about all that I had sent?
Enters grace. A time for every thing under heaven. A time to be humble and full of grace to another. In the giving; in the receiving.
Now, for the second part of the verse. How much more will your Father in heaven give. Does He want to be like me when I sent that package to my son? Does He want to give over the top? Do we stop Him with excuses like unworthiness? Or do we expect goodness from the Lord? Goodness, benefits, blessings are ours – if we let Him. Ask Him for a “pillow” and see what happens.

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