Friday, October 24, 2014

In a matter of minutes

What more could have been done for my vineyard than I have done for it? When I looked for good grapes, why did it yield only bad? (Isaiah 5:4)

But they have no regard for the deeds of the Lord, no respect for the work of His hands. (Isaiah 5:12)

When I first read this passage, I was filled with guilt, shame and sorrow.

I’m so sorry, Lord, that we haven’t loved You as we ought and that we are so consumed with ourselves, we don’t love neighbor as we ought either. I’m sorry we’re chasing after all the wrong things and neglecting the One right “Thing”. I’m sorry we blame You for all the badness in the world and in our personal lives. I’m sorry we see You as some domineering tyrant instead of the God of love and mercy that You are. I’m sorry we put so much store in the opinions of others and that even for Christians, You often come last. Why can’t we see You as Savior and Watchtower for us in a good, loving way? Why can’t we see sin for what it is and that You power us through the consequences of it? Oh, that every knee would truly bow at Your name, dear Lord, That highest honor and glory and exaltations would be given You; that we would see the Almighty as powerful and great and good. That He is for us not against us; that life doesn’t have to be hard when you accept the fact that God is always on your side, fighting for you. Stop struggling. Stop getting in the way. Just focus. Believe in His goodness. Honor Him with love and gentleness and kindness fully believing it is He who will repay the evildoers. Believe God hold you – tenderly and close. There will be consequences to sin while on the earth but He can keep you from being totally destroyed by it. In fact, He has the power to change Satan’s attempts into something for good. Trust in God and cling to Him and Satan loses time and time again. Don’t give Satan a foothold by falling for his deceitfulness and lies. Stay consciously present in the shelter of God’s wings. These are the Bible-truth concepts you can rely on. Dear near to God and He will draw near to you. Don’t you see how even now in just a few moments He moved me from shame and guilt to the protection of His loving arms? I wasn’t seeking comfort exactly. I was just confessing sadness after reading a chapter in Isaiah. And He brought me to a place of peace. Thanks be to God. 

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