Saturday, May 24, 2014

What a friend...!

I have a circle of friends. Actually, several circles.

One circle I don’t see very often, but am comfortable calling them by their first name. On occasion we catch up with the highlights of our lives. And that's okay.

Another circle is a group of friends I love dearly and used to spend much time with, but due to circumstances, I don’t see them as much as I would like. Daily life and its obligations get in the way. We send hugs and love over the internet once in awhile. Are sometimes able to share a concern or a joy. We promise coffee or lunch sometime soon. But other daily demands push to the forefront and time passes.

And then there are still others, a delicate few others, who share every joy and sorrow; every tear and laughter; every deepest thoughts and silliest sillies. These are the ones who are high priority. Not everyone you know can be in this elite circle. These are the relationships that are constantly being nurtured and the roots go deep – no matter what comes along. They are steady and strong and forever. (reminds me a little of the Parable of the Sower - Matthew 13).

There is a plan and purpose for all the different kinds of relationships in your life, and their various levels of intimacy. The question I pose today is: which group is your Jesus in?

·        Are you comfortable calling Him by His first name? Connect with Him once in a great while with a highlight or two regarding the direction of your life?
·        Do you profess to love Him dearly but just have too many other responsibilities to spend much quality time with Him?
·        Or do you see Him and share with Him and walk and talk with Him regularly? Do you belly laugh and cry real tears together? Is He the One you want to nurture a real, deep, abiding, forever relationship with – is that a priority?

Many people may know you. But there are a few you can be “real”, open, comfortable no-matter-what with. Is Jesus one of them?

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