I’ve been thinking back over
the years. Before I was a committed Christian. The rocky, wobbly Christian
years when I staggered back and forth in my faith – living with
worldly priorities one day to “on my knees” repenting, grace, forgiveness and
renewal the next. Well, like Paul, I wonder how Jesus could possibly extend
unlimited patience to a sinner like me. (1 Tim. 1:16) Surely in those days Satan had a stronger foothold
in my life. My Christian friends were probably challenged by my behaviors and
attitudes (bossy, bitter, controlling, rebellious, independent…). But I didn’t
know Jesus like they knew Jesus back then. Perhaps they knew of other powers –
powers of this dark world and spiritual forces of evil (Eph. 6:12) – powers rebelling
at my change of heart. Maybe knowing who the real enemy was made them more
forgiving and patient with me.
Paul also writes, in 1
Timothy 1:16:
Even though I was once a blasphemer, and
a persecutor and a violent man,
I was shown mercy
because I acted in ignorance and
In previous years, he didn’t know Jesus like he
knows Him now - at this writing.
Is there someone you know
like this? Someone cross, angry, bossy, hard to get along with? Acting in
ignorance and unbelief? Pray for them. Know who the real enemy is here. You
pray for that person, that child of God, for freedom from Satan’s snares and
evil schemes. That they may come to know our Lord Jesus more and more.
And the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord
Jesus will overthrow with the breath of His mouth. – 2 Thes. 2:8
He came to save us from
slavery to sin. The One Who’s birth we are celebrating. He came. Thank God, He
came… for all of us.
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