Thursday, December 5, 2013

What is your satisfaction quotient?

God knows a lot about you. When you rise and when you sleep. Your activity and inactivity. Your highs and lows and all the in-betweens. Knowing all this, He sent His Son to rescue you from all this drama to a place of safety and green pastures, wide open spaces of secure freedom. Provision. Contentment. Life with Him in His constant presence. Maybe a kind of heart arrival in knowing you are safe and with Him and you don’t need anything more. No more striving. He gladly provides. Be gladly grateful.  As often as possible. Be appreciative. Take notice. Absorb in greater detail and be thankful. Focus on all the good stuff. Do not swing too far to the left or the right. You don’t need to drive yourself to fanaticism. Simple smile pleasures is fine enough. It doesn’t need to be ecstatic to be grateful worthy, enjoyment worthy. Sometimes the biggest and the best don’t really bring you much closer to a satisfying joy. Simpler things carry satisfying joy. Get in touch with your satisfaction quotient.  Like:

·        a book, a quilt and cup of tea on the couch. Before you dive into the story, stop and savor the moment. Embrace every imaginable facet. Touch and taste and smell and see and hear and absorb it all. Relish it. Appreciate it.
·        snuggling on the couch with a loved one (spouse, kids, or pet) to watch a comedy or movie or even just the evening news - together.
·        strolling leisurely, with no time restraints, through shoppers downtown with snow gently twirling around and carolers on the street corners.
·        a scrumptious, savory meal with flowers and candles and such.
·        great “I know all the words” music and easy-flowing traffic.
·        good food and drink and friends – look around and take it all in.

Don’t let the busyness of the season make you miss out on the goodness because you’re so focused on the end. Stop and savor. Make a mental list of how wonderful the moment is. Slow down and purposefully treasure it from every angle… this pleasantness, this sweet spot between blah and over the top. Mmmmm.....

And thanks be to God.

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