Monday, December 30, 2013

Sinner and Saint

Something jogged my memory this morning. I remembered having a hard time with a most difficult person awhile back (quite awhile back). And this person was not someone I could walk away from and never talk to again. This person would pop up into my life on an irregular basis (before you start guessing, most of you do not know this person). Anyway, for me, this person always brought challenges and aggravation and upsetness. I really had an angry, bitter feeling towards this person. Now how was I ever going to move past that? This person caused nothing but pain for me.

Then it dawned on me to do a most extraordinary thing. Shift my focus from all the irritants and make a list of the good qualities this person has – even if those good qualities aren’t expressed towards me. Signs of love towards others maybe. Write down an actual list. I’ll admit it was a struggle at first. I started off with this person really enjoying a certain sport. Then being quite creative with some family quality time. Devotion to the church. And you know what? My heart started to soften towards this person. Because like I mentioned in a previous post on this blog, things aren’t all bad or all good. There is a mixture of good and bad, saint and sinner, in all of us.

Do you have someone in your life that is difficult, challenging, tiring, upsetting? Quietly sit and make an list of the more positive aspects of this person’s character. They’re there. You just need to shift your focus. It will settle your heart, mind and soul down. You’ll be granted more peace, patience, understanding and acceptance.

Because who wants to be angry and upset if you don’t need to be?

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