Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Free Gift for You

A quiet, intimate dinner just for two out on your deck… one little candle offering a romantic little glow… soft whispers of few words… a smile… a loving glance your way… watching the sun set and the moon rise… one hand laying hold of another’s… one star blinks on - and then another…

Pretty plain and simple. Not very flashy at all. It’s not like Sunday morning worship at a big mega-church. It’s not like a roomful of people celebrating your successful climb up the corporate ladder. It’s simplicity wouldn’t make most people’s top ten list of excitement and accomplishment. Not the most impressive or most expensive place for dinner. Not the biggest name in entertainment. Or is it?

Just a reminder in the midst of all this striving and comparing and measuring in this world… that there is a simple beauty in every kind of God-given moment. God can satisfy with the simplest of things. Are you yearning? And even when you strive and strive and arrive, you end up yearning some more?

Perhaps it’s time to set your sights on things from above. I know about dreams. And I know that whatever size those dreams are, when God is the Author of them – they come to pass with little or no effort on my part. But in the meantime, while God’s timing is unfolding, enjoy the gift of today. Go ahead and dream. Dream big. But don’t hang your current happiness on them. Believe God can make things happen. Give your future, your life, your purpose, into His capable hands. Know that He guides the steps to get you where He wants you to be. Believe that He knows the desires of your heart. Believe it is not all up to you to make your future great (and God has His own ideas about what is great – and that’s okay). God has a plan for you. A good plan. A part of that plan is to enjoy His gift of today.  And rest in His promises regarding your tomorrows.

·        “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jere. 29:11

·        The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever. – Is. 32:17

·        The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest. – Ps. 85:12



  1. Anonymous9:27 AM EDT

    I always look forward to tomorrow, you can't dwell on the past, it is the past and will not change. You and God must work together on the plan and see how it develops. Before you know it, it is in the past and you can see how you did. Dream BIG, Think BIG, pray BIG, then see how you do, with Gods help all things are possible.
