Friday, September 13, 2013

It's going to be a great day!

 What makes a good day – good? Is it one thing, two things, five things… one more thing? Is it all about accomplishment and succeeding? Or about experiencing? How often do you lay your head down at night and say, “It’s been a good day.” Or are you thinking about what more there needs to be done?

Isn’t there always going to be more to be done? Isn’t that called life and living? Some stuff gets done today; some tomorrow. Do you wake up in the morning with a list of what you think has to happen today and you rush through trying to get it all accomplished before… before what? Before something else comes along? Guess what? Something else is going to come along! Yet you don’t have to rush through everything. Some things are meant to sit on a back burner. Some things have a way of working themselves out over the passage of time. Some things are meant to be savored. Relished. Appreciated. There is something to be said for steady progression. Fast, immediate, rushing is not always the wisest way.  When it comes to what happens in your life today, quality is better than quantity. Seriously consider what went “right” today. Not everything has to be a mile-high milestone experience to make it a good day. Stop and think about some of the more simple things in life you are able to enjoy.

And how many things does it take to ruin a good day? One? Five? Think again about all the good things going on in your “today”… Don’t let one thing (like the guy that cut you off on your way home) – define your day. I’ll bet you a list of goodness is already coming to mind! Whether large or small, take time to appreciate and remember the sweetness in life. You have some – every day!

·        Just thinking of you makes my day good!

·        Praying for goodness to be a part of your day!

·        God is good – all the time. Know that He has plans to bless you today!


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