As a result, Jesus could no longer enter a town openly
but stayed outside in lonely places.
Yet the people still came to him from everywhere.
Mark 1:45
Spent a wonderful evening
last night. A dozen or so of us girlfriends gathered at a local park. We brown
bagged it. Found a nice place to sit and eat and chat and look out at the
water. We had a good time catching up on each other’s lives. We laughed. We
shared. We hugged. We prayed. Just nurturing relationships. I was nourished
body and soul.
This morning I read this
passage in my bible – about a leper who was healed. Jesus warned him not to
tell people… but you can see above the chapters closing remarks…
“My heart is so saddened, Lord, after reading that the
crowds drove You to lonely places… that the crowds only sought You because they
wanted something for themselves from You. They weren’t interested in getting to
know You, hang out with You, bring joy and help into Your life. They just
wanted to be healed of something and then run back to their ol’ life again. How
often has my prayer life been about something I wanted fixed / healed for myself?
How infrequent are my prayers about getting to know You, hang out with You, bring
joy and help into Your life? Your Word tells me all about You; Your created
world tells me how beautiful a “Person” You are. More than Savior of my
eternity but closer than a Brother(Pr. 18:24). You call me Friend (Jn. 15:15). Don’t go off to a
lonely place. May I welcome You into my day and remember that You are present.
May I smile at the very thought of You, Jesus, and bring joy to You instead of
always seeking to have You make me feel better. May I be mindful this day of
Your company and remember to include You because You are a special, beloved
Friend of mine. May I treat You extra special today as I would of any friend
coming to visit me. Come, Lord Jesus, my Savior and Friend! Come! Let us spend
the day together. Welcome! Welcome! Come in! It’s so good to have You here!
Tell me: What have You been up to? Is there anything I can do to help, my
Friend? Let’s pray together. Hugs! I’m so glad You’re here! I love You, Lord!”
Just wanting to
stay in touch, because you are important to me!
It’s been too
long! Let’s get together soon!
My life is
lighter and brighter because of time spent with you!
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