Monday, December 30, 2013

Sinner and Saint

Something jogged my memory this morning. I remembered having a hard time with a most difficult person awhile back (quite awhile back). And this person was not someone I could walk away from and never talk to again. This person would pop up into my life on an irregular basis (before you start guessing, most of you do not know this person). Anyway, for me, this person always brought challenges and aggravation and upsetness. I really had an angry, bitter feeling towards this person. Now how was I ever going to move past that? This person caused nothing but pain for me.

Then it dawned on me to do a most extraordinary thing. Shift my focus from all the irritants and make a list of the good qualities this person has – even if those good qualities aren’t expressed towards me. Signs of love towards others maybe. Write down an actual list. I’ll admit it was a struggle at first. I started off with this person really enjoying a certain sport. Then being quite creative with some family quality time. Devotion to the church. And you know what? My heart started to soften towards this person. Because like I mentioned in a previous post on this blog, things aren’t all bad or all good. There is a mixture of good and bad, saint and sinner, in all of us.

Do you have someone in your life that is difficult, challenging, tiring, upsetting? Quietly sit and make an list of the more positive aspects of this person’s character. They’re there. You just need to shift your focus. It will settle your heart, mind and soul down. You’ll be granted more peace, patience, understanding and acceptance.

Because who wants to be angry and upset if you don’t need to be?

Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Plain and Ordinary Life

One day I stood looking at my reflection in the dresser mirror. And I wondered why God would love a plain and ordinary person like me. Seems like I was just going through life day after day; not making any huge contribution to society.

Then I glanced down and saw pictures on my dresser – one of my mom and one of my grandma. My heart filled with such warmth and love and affection for these two women. And I sensed that they didn’t think of themselves as very important or “changing-the-world by storm” people either. They lived each day as it came. But they sure made an impact on me. Without realizing it, they taught me through splashes of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal. 5:22). I, too, am a woman of God, living out and passing on the legacy they showed me.

How do you want to be remembered? Show some love, share the joy, grant peace, exhibit patience, extend kindness and goodness, be faithful and gentle, and practice a little self-control. It may not seem as spectacular as more worldly measures of success, but like my “mothers” before me, it will speak volumes. Plain and ordinary indeed! Not in God’s eyes. Not by God’s standards.

To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices. –Mark 12:33

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What's abiding with you?

We’ve been without power for days. It’s inconvenient. It’s annoying. It’s irritating. What a pain! (Are You there, God? Can You hear me?) And yet, I walked outside to a surreal view of glistening trees, with every little branch seemingly seen by the naked eye, sparkling from the street light. And not just one tree, but every tree in every direction. What a breathtaking, beautiful sight! How can such misery and such beauty abide at the same time?

We’ve been spending our days over at the church. At bedtime we dash home into the cold house, jump into pajamas and huddle together under a pile of blankets until we get warm enough to fall asleep. (God, can You hear me?) But in the morning, instead of waking up to an alarm clock and getting up and out to hurry into our day, we linger in the warmth of the bed, we snuggle close and whisper and giggle and doze in and out. What a wonderful thing! There’s still no power, but how did such wonderful, memorable moments come alongside such misery as a cold house with no heat?

Are you in some kind of pain? Are there miserable circumstances beyond your control? Is it possible there is something beautiful running alongside that you have yet to see and experience? (Yes, I hear you.) We see what we want to see…

Now I’m not saying “every cloud has a silver lining” or “look on the bright side” exactly. But I do believe that pain and pleasure can co-exist and it doesn’t have to be all one or all the other. If you are suffering, and need a break from it, look for what else might be abiding alongside. Receive respite. (I hear you.) What’s abiding with you?

Monday, December 23, 2013

Once in a lifetime

Many years ago, there was a baby doll on the market at Christmastime, dressed in pajamas and a nightcap. When you soaked its diaper in water, a birth certificate appeared and would announce the sex, name, weight, etc. of the baby. And for one out of every 200,000, the birth announcement would announce TWINS and the company would send you another doll exactly like the first for free. Well, at the time, I had a foster daughter who wanted the twins. Uh…. Yeah. So I bought the one doll and just planned on dealing with the disappointment when the time came.

On Christmas morning, she opened the package and we immediately went to the bathroom sink to soak the diaper. She opened the birth certificate and it indeed said TWINS! I was screaming with excitement! Yes! Holy cow! Woo Hoo! Unbelievable!! Aren’t you excited? Her response – “Yeah, it’s what I wanted.” – like I didn’t understand. She was pleased but clearly not amazed at the improbability and the odds.

I share this because I sometimes wonder if we sometimes wake up to Christmas morning this same way. We are celebrating the day of Christ’s birth, the One (and only One) Who came to save us when there was no other way. Do we respond like this daughter, with a “Yeah…?” Or do we realize the magnitude of odds against us? And do our hearts swell with such amazing gratitude with a fist pumping Yes! Woo hoo! Hallelujah!

With all that’s going on in the days ahead to celebrate this Christmas, let us humbly bow with an overwhelming thanks to this King… for we were once lost (you remember that low, lost, give-your-life-to-Jesus moment?), and now you are found and saved for eternity. Yes, indeed. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Hebrews 9:26 Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But he has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Heart and Mind

I got up again this morning and opened the day with some quiet time prayer. I try to start with just thanking God, for His presence, and His generosity and all the other good things about Him. But before too long, my mind drifts to the many on my prayer list: those battling disease, those with financial woes, the grieving, the hurting, the lonely… the list seems so long as one after another come to mind.

I pray inner peace, that despite the circumstances, they see they have a loving Father forging and leading the way through this day.

All your days were written in His book before one of them came to be (Ps. 139:16). Today is no surprise to Him. Certain things have been disallowed to happen while other certain things He saw fit to use for a greater good. Who knows the mind of God? But we know His heart. We know He loves each one of us – so much so that He sent His Son here. He Who brought us truths about the heavenly realm that we can cling to while we live in the earthly realm. Jesus lives with all authority and power and there is certain hope for believers of eternal life with Him. You get a taste of it whenever you settle down to quiet yourself before Him. After laying your burdens down, there, you can experience an inexpressible peace inside. You start reminding yourself that God is good and faithful and miraculous and everpresent and you somehow know you’re going to get through this day. Even if it’s a turbulent one. God will not fail in seeing you through. We don’t know how He’ll do it (His mind) but we know He will (His heart). How are you doing today? Set aside all the what ifs that haven’t happened, all the what ifs about tomorrow too, and take a clear, true look at today. God will see you through. Watch for signs of Him in action. He is here for you today. Breathe. His eye is on the sparrow and I know He keeps an even closer more diligent eye upon you (Mt. 10:31). You name is written on the palm of His hand (Is. 49:16). For God so loved you… He sent His Son… you will not perish… have life… today (Jn. 3:16).

Friday, December 20, 2013

When it's hard to forgive

I’ve been thinking back over the years. Before I was a committed Christian. The rocky, wobbly Christian years when I staggered back and forth in my faith – living with worldly priorities one day to “on my knees” repenting, grace, forgiveness and renewal the next. Well, like Paul, I wonder how Jesus could possibly extend unlimited patience to a sinner like me. (1 Tim. 1:16)  Surely in those days Satan had a stronger foothold in my life. My Christian friends were probably challenged by my behaviors and attitudes (bossy, bitter, controlling, rebellious, independent…). But I didn’t know Jesus like they knew Jesus back then. Perhaps they knew of other powers – powers of this dark world and spiritual forces of evil (Eph. 6:12) – powers rebelling at my change of heart. Maybe knowing who the real enemy was made them more forgiving and patient with me.

Paul also writes, in 1 Timothy 1:16:

Even though I was once a blasphemer, and a persecutor and a violent man,
I was shown mercy
because I acted in ignorance and unbelief.

In previous years, he didn’t know Jesus like he knows Him now -  at this writing.

Is there someone you know like this? Someone cross, angry, bossy, hard to get along with? Acting in ignorance and unbelief? Pray for them. Know who the real enemy is here. You pray for that person, that child of God, for freedom from Satan’s snares and evil schemes. That they may come to know our Lord Jesus more and more.

And the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of His mouth. – 2 Thes. 2:8

He came to save us from slavery to sin. The One Who’s birth we are celebrating. He came. Thank God, He came… for all of us.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

More and More Gifts

I miss my mom at Christmastime. She loved to celebrate. She loved to decorate. She loved to make special days – well, special. Whether she was 50 or 80, she would almost giggle with excitement over upcoming surprises she had planned. Stockings of course. And decorated sugar cookies of course. I remember oatmeal date cookies, and the fresh orange cut up on Christmas morning with sugar sprinkled on it (in a fancy, footed dessert dish), and she always made sure everyone had a gift under the tree… things like that. She had that celebratory spirit about her. My niece carries that same spirit about her a little better than I do – wanting to make life events extra-special with a celebration. God bless her for that!

So, yeah, I miss my mom. Perhaps you miss someone too. And it’s good to remember how the holidays were with them around. But don’t lose sight of what is happening right under your nose. We’ve got a different kind of tree than I grew up with… but it’s beautiful in its own right, especially in the morning with its lights that twinkle. Baking cookie treats are different now… but so many others around me are enjoying them and are delighted that I took the time and effort. I am looking forward to spending time with friends from church this coming Sunday, and time at my son’s new house for Christmas… other types of celebration are going on in my life now; some are firsts. And I don’t want to miss out on what God is sending me to enjoy this year because I got blinded by remembering past gifts He sent my way. He is Giver extraordinaire! Generous. Abundant. There’s no beginning or end with Him. He doesn’t just send you a blessing (gift) once or twice in a lifetime. He sends lots and lots!

So enjoy this year’s Christmas. Add to the big stack of memories you already carry. Don’t be afraid to open new gifts from God. They won’t diminish the old ones one bit. Just feel more and more blessed. That is my prayer for you.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Let's Pretend

Pretend – to act as if something were true

You can learn a lot from children. For one thing, children have the freedom to pretend. We’ve all known or seen kids who wear tutus and tights day and night… tiaras to the grocery store. They dream and imagine and create a whole days worth of ballerina / princess / astronaut / fireman living. They don’t just wish it. They don’t wait for some future date. They love the idea and start living it now.

How about you? Are there certain habits or a lifestyle you wish you were living? Maybe it’s to be a non-smoker or more health conscious. A more creative cook. Image. Whether it’s to be a photographer or gardener or a craftsman of some sort (I’ll bet you already know who you’d like to pretend to be), imagine it. Kinder? Gentler? More at ease? More hospitable? More balanced in work and play? Able to say “no”? How does a person like that live out their morning, noon and night? Don’t wait for some future date. Start pretending to be the kind of person you wish you were -  now - and before long it will become your new way of life.

·        … you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. – Col. 3:12

·        “The man (Paul) who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.”  - Gal. 1:23

Put on a hat, sit up confident and straight, throw a boa around your neck and start your wishful, ideal lifestyle now!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

What is your satisfaction quotient?

God knows a lot about you. When you rise and when you sleep. Your activity and inactivity. Your highs and lows and all the in-betweens. Knowing all this, He sent His Son to rescue you from all this drama to a place of safety and green pastures, wide open spaces of secure freedom. Provision. Contentment. Life with Him in His constant presence. Maybe a kind of heart arrival in knowing you are safe and with Him and you don’t need anything more. No more striving. He gladly provides. Be gladly grateful.  As often as possible. Be appreciative. Take notice. Absorb in greater detail and be thankful. Focus on all the good stuff. Do not swing too far to the left or the right. You don’t need to drive yourself to fanaticism. Simple smile pleasures is fine enough. It doesn’t need to be ecstatic to be grateful worthy, enjoyment worthy. Sometimes the biggest and the best don’t really bring you much closer to a satisfying joy. Simpler things carry satisfying joy. Get in touch with your satisfaction quotient.  Like:

·        a book, a quilt and cup of tea on the couch. Before you dive into the story, stop and savor the moment. Embrace every imaginable facet. Touch and taste and smell and see and hear and absorb it all. Relish it. Appreciate it.
·        snuggling on the couch with a loved one (spouse, kids, or pet) to watch a comedy or movie or even just the evening news - together.
·        strolling leisurely, with no time restraints, through shoppers downtown with snow gently twirling around and carolers on the street corners.
·        a scrumptious, savory meal with flowers and candles and such.
·        great “I know all the words” music and easy-flowing traffic.
·        good food and drink and friends – look around and take it all in.

Don’t let the busyness of the season make you miss out on the goodness because you’re so focused on the end. Stop and savor. Make a mental list of how wonderful the moment is. Slow down and purposefully treasure it from every angle… this pleasantness, this sweet spot between blah and over the top. Mmmmm.....

And thanks be to God.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Second Look

I’m learning a lot in kindergarten. No, I’m not talking about that somewhat familiar writing about cookies and milk and holding hands when you cross the street. I’m talking about the days I’ve been volunteering at the local school. The other day they were learning descriptive words (yes, I know, in kindergarten!) and I was busy going from table to table helping them sound out letters to words like: cute, black, little and good. The teacher kept persuading them to look deeper and find more than one word; more than just the first thing that popped into their heads.

So today, I thought I’d try my own experiment. I’m sitting here looking out my window at a tree in the yard. It’s pre-snow winter here so it’s not a real exciting view. At first I would describe it as gray, blah, leafless, lifeless… but as I looked closer and deeper, I began to see more. I saw that no matter what size or shape the poor ol’ branch was in, at the end – it pointed up. Every tip of every branch pointed up. Now did it point up on its own willful accord, or was something running through it that helped it to reach up with its very tips?

Sometimes our lives can feel gray, blah, lifeless… whether it’s too much routine or too much inactivity – especially during the snowy, cold, winter months. But God says that He is the Vine and we are the branches (John 15:5). So I think that means – just like the tree in my yard – there is something flowing in us that can make us look up and reach up… no matter where we find ourselves. It’s not our circumstances, it’s not our own determination and strength, but something (or should I say “Someone”) in us, that can cause us to keep our sights on the things above (Col. 3:2). Warms my heart just thinking about it. This is one time when I’m okay with not being in control!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Time for Healing

Coughing. Sneezing. Wheezing. Yes, we all know what time of year it is… cold season! Nobody likes being sick like this. Some run right to the doctor and get a prescription. Some stop at the pharmacy and pick something off the counter. While others try more natural or home remedies. But even then, the symptoms may last longer than you would like. Or start to fizzle out, only to gain momentum and come back twice as bad. We sure hate the misery of having a head cold and will do a lot of different things to get back on an even keel so we can enjoy good health and life again, right?

How about your spiritual health? Do you sometimes stray from a well established pattern of prayer, worship and study? Do you run for days on the strength (or demands) of something or someone else? The days turn kinda funky, jumbled, overbusy. Out of step. Something amiss. We jump through hoops to do whatever it takes to relieve the symptoms of a head cold. Are we that motivated when our “heart” becomes “sick”? What are the signs of a “sick heart”? Have you taken inventory lately? Have you cut back on your prayer time; let your devotional readings slide; skipped out on more than one bible study; slept in on a couple Sunday mornings… the hustle and bustle of Christmas planning and events can make us spiritually sick. Isn’t that an odd thought…

We were all in agreement when I was talking about a physical sickness and the desire to quickly do something about it. But did the spiritual sickness mentioned make you uncomfortable? Are we as anxious to get back to what nourishes our soul? Don’t throw your hands up in guilty defeat! This misery and pain is prompting you to seek your Great Physician! Don't delay! Go get washed clean and back on track. Yes, in God's mercy, it’s as easy as that! And what a wondrous time of year to get back… the birth of Christ. Enjoy good health and life again.