Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Walk with the Lord

Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening. (1 Samuel 3:10)

YOU are here.

I am here.


May YOUR celebratory love be contagious.

May I love more freely; relax and enjoy all of YOU in my life.

I seek YOU and this is what I find:

Slow down. Be present. Taste and see. You have time. Stop rushing to the next thing. I AM always present. And I AM always in the next thing too. Rest assured. I AM - always and forever.

Believe it. Know it.

I have MY own pace and it is not rushed or chaotic.

Join ME and you won’t be rushed or chaotic either.

And together we will get the important things done.

Not everything has to be dealt with in the here and now.

Remember: a time for everything under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Remember ME.

Pause to remember ME. Don’t wait for dinner time, bed time, tomorrow morning’s devotion time, or for a crisis.

Remember Me… often.

For I give rest for your heart and soul even in the midst of doing. Peace, rest and abiding comfort and security during the doing.

When you walk with ME and talk with ME.

Welcome to the new day! Let ME set the pace and unfold the chain of events.

For I AM the true Author and Giver of enjoyment, fulfillment and satisfaction.

This is the way. Walk in it. (Isaiah 30:21)


  1. Anonymous5:52 AM EDT

    Ahhhh, a beautiful reminder as we begin a new day!

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM EDT

      Thanks! I appreciate you commenting on my blog post. Such encouragement for me! God bless!
