Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A constant reminder

 I love to joke about having tattoos. Whenever the question pops up, I always respond that I have three. Most people are surprised to hear that about me. Until I explain I have three tatoo dots - used during radiation for proper alignment of the treatment. Back when I had cancer. The cancer now long gone, often forgotten. But the tatoo marks remain forever. A constant reminder.

People from every walk of life get tattoos for various reasons. But I think mostly because they want to remember: a person, a special moment in time, a certain love… they want it to be a visible part of them. They want others to know the importance of it to their lives; the weight of it in their daily living and being.

The Bible says our names are engraved into God’s palm (Isaiah 49:16). We are so important to Him! Always on His mind. So special to Him that He gave His only Son, Who also has marks put on His hands - for love of us. God remembers us. Thinks on us. Loves us deeply, constant and forever.

I’ve wondered what kind of tatoo I would ever choose. Some of you might assume a cat - because I love them so. Or maybe the location of a favorite bible verse. But this morning, I thought, perhaps - the name of Jesus on my own palm. A visible part of me. To let others know the importance of Him in my life - in theirs; a constant reminder:

When I extend my hand to friend and stranger, there’d be that loving reminder of Jesus…

when I open my hands in prayer
when I wave a hello
a hugging pat on someone’s back
resting my head in my hand to sleep
reaching out for food and drink
washing dishes
steering the car

The visible reminder of Jesus’ loving presence would be endless.

While Jesus has that permanent stain on His hands, perhaps I will just “stick” for now, with the praying that the Holy Spirit will keep me aware and remembering…

the permanent, forever love of God.

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