It's another hot day and I'm trying to design Christmas cards! Art can be hard to do if you let it. One of the first mistakes is to try to do like everybody else. Another is to try to force yourself to do something (like draw a dog) when your heart just isn't in it right now. It seems good and right (to balance out all the cat designs!). But the harder I try, the more I struggle and the more dissatisfied I become with my artwork. I come to the conclusion that I'm not an artist at all. And that's simply not true. What I let happen was allowing predetermined demands and expectations to suck all the joy out of it.
A third is reading, studying, watching, and following all others - compiling all kinds of rules on how to do art.
Art flows from the heart. Art oozes. Art starts with a playful spirit. It splashes. Then layers. Then adds some more. It smiles. It is a joy. Forget what others are doing. Forget what you think you should be doing just because it would be good and right. And forget all those rules, rules, rules. Follow your heart.
The same could be said of our Christian walk. Yes, there are others doing really wonderful, good and right, things. But if it's not a joy for you... realize you just have a different joy-calling. Don't see their calling as better. You have a calling in your heart from God. One that is a joy to do. There are all kinds of callings. Something for everyone. You don't have to labor away, struggling and grudgingly, just because you see it as good and right. As with the artist, you might just start thinking you're not a very good Christian after all. And that's simply not true! Don't let demands and expectations suck all the joy out of your walk with the Lord.
But in fact, God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? (1 Corinthians 12: 18-19)
What do you love to do?
What if money were no object?
What would you do even if you didn't get paid?
What do you do that you get lost in; lose track of time doing?
What causes you to smile to yourself?
There's the hint to your joy-calling.
Serve the Lord with gladness! Get rid of all those rules and preconceived notions. Just sit for a minute. Close your eyes and lay your palms up and open. Ask God for your joy-calling. What's the first thing that pops into your mind? Don't be too quick to dismiss it. Ponder. Seek. Ask. Let it flow. Ooze. Splash. Smile.
Living out your God-given joy-calling IS the good and right thing to do!
... so that they may have the full measure of My joy within them. (John 17:13)
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