Monday, January 25, 2021

My casting net is full of holes

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

Cast, I looked up, means to throw or fling, one definition said forcefully. As in, take ALL my anxieties and throw them with great aim and determination away from me and into the capable arms of Jesus. Oh, doesn't that sound wonderful?

But there must be something wrong with my net. I toss it out, full of worries and concerns - but some of them come back to me when I pull the net back in.

Maybe that's why we find our fishermen mending their nets in Mark 1:19. Maybe my net needs some tending to as well.

I have some holes in my net of faith and believing. Some doubts. Some impatience. I've certainly practiced throwing my net of concerns up to God. But then I pull them back and worry some more. How tiring; weary I am of them. Doing this same thing day after day. I need to remember that alone I can do nothing (John 15:5)

But in Luke 5, we see Jesus, present and involved and caring - telling them to let their nets down yet again (With Jesus. Right there. With them. With a net made of rope and holes.) And we see Simon say how we might respond as well: "Master, we have worked all night long..." How often have I endlessly tried to surrender my worries! 

"Yet if You say so, I will let down the nets." (v.5) Then Jesus' miracle.

Even with a hole-ier than hole-y net,  with Jesus, all things are possible. Worries and concerns can be cast off, despite doubts and fears and unknowns. Even in my imperfections of faith, with Jesus on the scene, nets can be flung and Jesus can make the big catch.

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

Another version says, Pour out all your worries and stress upon Him and leave them there, for He always tenderly cares for you.

I don't know the condition of your net. Or how well (or poorly) you are able to cast your burdens and cares unto the Lord. But know this: when you call on Jesus, all things are possible. Whatever is beyond your ability, He is able. Don't depend solely on yourself. You have a Helper and Friend Who can bring all things to completion.

Cast that hole-y net. Do it again. This time with Jesus. Simon and his fellow fishermen received a boatload of goodness from trusting Jesus. You can too.

Friday, January 22, 2021

I'm still gonna...

© 2016 Julie Crane All rights reserved

Take that first sip of coffee in the morning in my fluffy robe and slippers

Pet the cat until he purrs - loudly

Step out the door and breath in some fresh air

Enjoy some uplifting music

Wear a favorite sweatshirt

Talk on the phone with a loved one

Stand over the stove slowly stirring a pot of savory stew

I'm still gonna love sunshine as well as big snowflakes

Stand in awe at the lakeshore

Laugh as often as possible

Take time to really rest

Sit quietly in candlelight

Allow myself time to read a real page turner of a book

Eat chocolate with my eyes closed

And still find comfort in familiar bible passages

Hum a praise song or two

Eat bread and drink wine

I will remember again and again: nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39), the care of God, the very presence of... God.

Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion (meaning enough); therefore I will wait for Him. (Lamentations 3:21-24)

You will have a joy that no one can take away. (John 16:22)

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Strength for today


© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
Lord, I surrender to You all people. Everyone is full of anxiety and concerns. I lift up every fear to You, Most High God, Almighty God, all powerful One, all loving and wise One - may our faith and trust be in You. Thank You for carrying us through every kind of ugly. You are where our peace and rest and security lie.. from Your names, Your Name above all names. Thank You for loving us, caring for us, guiding us, and calling, calling, calling out to us. Thank You for every provision. Thank You for seeing us through every yesterday.

Thank You for every morning I have ended up here in prayer - with every kind of prayer. You have a time and a way for all things, for the great as well as the seemingly insignificant. Thank You I am here in this prayer. Thank You for being here in this prayer too. Thank You I am called a beloved child of the Almighty. Thank You for loving so overwhelmingly and so completely. Thank You for having plans and purpose for me. Open my eyes to this day. Empower me heart, soul, mind and strength to carry out what You see as a good, "glad-to-have you on board" day.

My peace, rest and assurance for this day come in knowing Who You are. All that You are.

I will remember You.

I will.

Lord, I have chosen You alone as my inheritance. You are my prize, my pleasure, and my portion. I leave my destiny and its timing in Your hands. Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places. I'm overwhelmed by the privileges that come with following You, for You have given me the best! The way You counsel and correct me makes me praise You more, for Your whispers in the night give me wisdom, showing me what to do next. (Psalm 16:5-7 TPT)

Monday, January 4, 2021

Step by step - to beautiful


I received a gift card to my favorite yarn shop. Soon I'll be going shopping with a girlfriend. I'll be able to pick out some really beautiful, good quality yarn. I decided to make a cardigan sweater for myself. I spent days searching site after site, looking for just the right pattern. Read every detail. Considered this one, then back to that one. Re-reading and picturing the steps in my mind. Then I grabbed some yarn I already had. And started practicing the pattern. You see, some of it was a well known and familiar stitch. But I was going to go beyond the known and familiar - to trying the cable stitch. I read and re-read. Then pictured it in my mind. Then taking one step at a time, followed the directions, phrase by phrase. I practiced it. I tried again and again. I had to keep referring back to the original pattern a few times. But eventually I caught the rhythm of it. Eventually it became familiar and my knitting went along more smoothly.

Perhaps this lesson can be applied to reading the bible. First off, it is a gift. Then you get to decide. Then it's time to pursue with the same passion as looking for the perfect pattern. It's reading and re-reading and picturing things in your mind. It's the comfort found in familiar passages and then going beyond for something more. (Do you know that at one time I only knitted mittens, because I was afraid of patterns asking for more thought and concentration?) Breaking the unknown into manageable bites - referring back to the original words time and time again until this new enlightenment finds its rhythm in your soul. And now you have something greater and more beautiful than you had just staying at the level where you were most comfortable.

Will life go more smoothly with a greater knowledge / sense of God?

Will the unknown continue to hold you back, or will you dare to pursue God and practice pursuing God more - until eventually God becomes more familiar, more beautiful, more amazing ...


Come to Me... (Matthew 11:28)

Return to Me... (isaiah 44:22)

Abide with Me... (John 15:4)

Gaze upon the beauty of the Lord (Psalm 27:4)

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Who's on first?


© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
I had some good intentions. I really meant to write a blog post at least once a week. Why? Because my heart screams for people to trust in God. To be reminded to believe in how big, and powerful, and loving He truly is. HOPE in Him. How His presence carries us through every kind of thing. But I didn't make that goal. Fell short. The excuse I used was that I didn't feel the Spirit move me to write about any particular thing. So I told myself the time wasn't right and that when the time was right, the words would come upon me as they have so many times before.

In truth, I haven't been reading my bible as diligently as I should. I haven't spent any consistent, habitual time learning and relearning about God and His character. Oh, I do my morning devotional reading and it is based on a scripture passage or two. And indeed, others words have been helpful in keeping me centered. But my own direct reading of His Word, my own time mulling over phrases... wondering about entire accounts of people in biblical times - focusing, looking for God's hand in every one...

I shouldn't be sitting back and waiting for the Spirit to move me into action. I should be seeking and finding with some real intention and effort. Seek first, right? And all things will be added. (Matthew 6:33) I need to get my nose in the truth. His very Word. The one real, true source of connecting with God. And as I fill myself with more of Him, as found in His Word, then I will have some foundation for sharing with others. As I deepen my relationship, my understanding of God, then I believe I will know what to do. What to write. How to love. How to live. Yes, seeking Him must come first. From that one true Source. 

Pray with me. For me and yourselves as well. That we seek first, trusting that all else will be added.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

Jesus answered, "It is written' Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" (Matthew 4:4)

But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. (Luke 68:15)