Thursday, July 27, 2017

New every morning

© 2013 Julie Crane All rights reserved
… give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ …  (Proverbs 30:8-9)

When some are asked when is enough - enough, they say just a little bit more. How true that seems to be in our world. Barely taking time to appreciate all the blessings the Lord has poured out before asking for one thing more.

 But the wise one writing the Proverbs humbly knows. Please grant what is needed for today. Just get me through today, Lord, and it will be enough. And when tomorrow comes, may I humbly bow before You again, and ask the same. This day’s bread. This day’s strength. This day’s godly choices.

 Just as the Lord has called the waves on the shore to repeat the process at His command … just as new mercies come every morning (because I used up all the mercy He gave me yesterday!) … so, too, new prayers to our Father God should flow. Every day prayer. That we may live in His every day presence and providence.

 For great is His faithfulness!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Knows my name

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
See, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands… (Isaiah 49:16)

Many of you know that I live in a small village. With the post office only being a few blocks away, I make it a point to walk down there every day that I can. And inevitably, I come across someone who waves, honks, stops to chat – because they know me.

 One day a lady stopped her car right there on the main road, rolled down her window – just to greet me and have a quick chat. Any cars that came along just went around.

 Another day a perky “Good morning!” from a woman in her garden; a respectful “hi” from the boys fishing off the bridge; and a toot of a honk followed by an energetic wave.

 Today a man coming out of the restaurant. His standard greeting always puts a smile on my face. “Good to see you! And good to be seen!” Then passing the eclectic shop on the corner, I run into one of the owners hauling new treasures in. We can't help but comment to each other about the humidity!

 Me too. I call out to the lady reading on her front porch.

 Even the lady at the post office meets me with a “How are you, Mrs. Crane?”

But next week I leave for a retreat/conference and I’ll be spending a few days with strangers. Away from home and all the familiars. Where people don’t “know my name" - don’t “know me”. I get kind of lost and lonely in big crowds …

 But it’s then that I remember the One Who truly knows me, sees me, is with me, never forgets me! Counts every hair on my head. Has me engraved on His hand and heart.

 You too, are known and loved. In every circumstance. By the Creator, Maker, Ruler, Lover of all the earth. Truly His loving presence is with you always. As sure and as welcoming as a friendly honk and wave.

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)

Friday, July 21, 2017

What do I have to do to get some peace around here?

© 2013 Julie Crane All rights reserved
Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. (Psalm 34:14)

Who wants more peace in their life?

 I have found that eating a healthy breakfast brings me peace. A good choice like that makes me smile inside and out. In a world where we can be so eager to beat ourselves up over seemingly every little thing, making a wise decision over an impulsive not so wise one can give us a sense of wellness in heart, mind and soul. That peace we are seeking. Sure, a couple donuts (or more!) can be downright tasty. But right on its heels is shame over lack of control, disappointment in self, etc. and so the downward spiral begins.  Or we try to stop it by denying that foolish choice made any real difference in our lives. Denying the impact it had.

 But the consequences of a bad choice will always show up. Niggling at you in some way. Admit it. It does. It haunts. It distracts. It shames. It continually upsets. Denial does not make something simply go away without its ill effects.

 The same turnout can be expected if you mismanage your finances, buying things beyond your real means. Or if you neglect a relationship and more and more time passes, instead of finding a way and taking the time to nurture it.

 Want peace? Pursue it.  Some translations say, “embrace peace – don’t let it get away!”, “strive for peace” and “work to maintain it”. Make it happen. Make one good choice after another. Make it a goal to do exceedingly well in this pursuit.

 Good choices. Why, even in prayer, when there is no immediate response, you can still know that you did the right thing by taking it to the Lord in prayer. In that, there is peace.

 Truly there is peace waiting for you. Peace of heart and mind with every God-honoring, God-pleasing choice.

Want more peace?

 What are you going to do to bring more peace into your day, today?

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

In Christ alone, I have

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. (James 1:6)

 Yes! O Lord, my hope is in You. My sense of security is in You. In You I live and breathe and have my being. Everything, every thing, is in Your capable hands. You Who is beyond understanding. Yet I know, it is safe to trust in You. You are perfect in wisdom, knowledge, power, and most of all, love. You are awesome in every way. You are very great! Peace and security are mine. I am a beloved believing child of God. I am saved. Eternally Yours. I will lift up my heart unto the Lord. Maker of heaven and earth. Praises! Praises to the One Who was, and is and is to come! Taking care of all things in a way our feeble little minds cannot comprehend. But we can trust You, God of love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. Strength, wisdom, and power - giving are in Your hands. Those who trust in You are anchored in peace and hope and assurance. This is no constant tossing about on the waves. Firm and secure are those under Your wings. All blessing, honor, awe, thanks and praise to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – surrounding us in presence! God of power and might is with us! And so, in confidence, I can lift up all those I have concerns about:








 Your hand, O Lord, on our comings and goings, our doings and our being this day.

O Father of love, we pray.


Monday, July 17, 2017

All the other things

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow. (Jeremiah 31:13)

I see it all around. People feel limited because of some thing they can no longer have. For many it is sugar because of diabetes. For some it is dairy products. Gluten. Or the challenges of sticking to a diet and exercise routine. Or fighting off boredom, even depression.

You can make yourself miserable focusing on what you cannot enjoy (“have”). It will surely grow and multiply until you fold under the pressure and weight of it all. Or you can choose, yes, choose, what else is available to focus on. There are 101 other truly wonderful things to eat and taste and enjoy. If you can’t run – walk. Restless? Struggling to stick to a plan? In all these things, you can create a list of options to refer to. There are 101 other things. You are not trapped. Cornered. Stuck as much as you think you are.

Search the web. 101 recipes for diabetics. Those lactose intolerant. Those needing gluten free. Preview menus before visiting a restaurant. Bring options that work for you to a potluck. And 101 things to do when you are restless, depressed, feel like eating due to emotional upheaval. 101 inspirational sayings and scripture verses to keep your spirits up.

Create your list of options. Keep it handy. Check, circle, highlight what works for you.

Choose. Choose this day … to trust in the promise of the Lord: I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow. (Jeremiah 31:13)

Enjoy the other things!

Friday, July 14, 2017

Stay! Hold it!

© 2013 Julie Crane All rights reserved
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)

We all love to see the trick of a dog holding a biscuit treat on his nose. Stay … hold it …. hold it … Such self-control! How does he do it? But the reward is awesome!

There have been a few times when I have tried some self-control; a holding on a little bit longer. I keep exercising until the song is done, or the lap is finished, or the completion of the next five minute block of time. The reward - awesome!

There is also a practice called lectio divina where you find a phrase of scripture and you stay there. You stay and meditate over the one little phrase, turning it inside out, thinking and processing it over in your mind every which way. You stay. You watch and wait for it to “speak to you”. Where the bible truly becomes a living word.

The living Lord is fully present to you - always. Won’t you stay … just a little bit longer?

During your next prayer time, if you stay, if you hold it, instead of rushing off, I wonder what God will say in that additional minute or two … Reward? Awesome!

To the end of the age He is there for you. Stay … just a little bit longer.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Goodness all around me

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved.
I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your unfailing love and your faithfulness … (Psalm 138:2)

Bless my desire to have a greater sense of You, the Triune God, present in everything. Walking, talking, sitting, sleeping, driving, cooking, cleaning, resting, knitting, reading - and not just in praying. May I experience Your presence in current time, right here with me now. Present in this very room while I drink my coffee. Get my head around it; accept it; and be at comfortable peace about it. God sees me all the time. God knows me inside and out. God loves me like crazy. I am absolutely okay in His presence. He understands my human frailties and human limitations and I’m still okay, still welcomed into His arms; still okay to be seen by Him. I may lift my eyes up. All guilt and shame washed from His sight and the pure goodness of Christ within me the only thing remaining; shining through. Thank You, Jesus, for washing all sin away. For living in me and through me. Thank You for going before me and getting rid of harmful and unnecessary things on my path. Thank You for Your near and dear presence in the here and now – Your love and Your strength. Thank You for being right behind me to watch my back, to repair what damage I may have done and to nurture seeds I have planted in the hearts of others. Thank You for being yesterday’s light, this very moment’s light, and the certain hope of light tomorrow. Thank You doing this, unchangeable You, for all my days and for generations of days. Truly, God, You are great, great, great!