Thursday, March 31, 2016

I'm joining the praise team!

Praise the Lord.

Praise God in his sanctuary;
    praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
    praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
    praise him with the harp and lyre,
praise him with timbrel and dancing,
    praise him with the strings and pipe,
praise him with the clash of cymbals,
    praise him with resounding cymbals.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord.


When I first heard that I had cancer, for some reason, I never thought of it as a death sentence. I kind of saw it as something “wrong” in my body that can be taken out and healed. I wasn’t interested in the drama of the word “cancer”, but what steps would we be taking. Surgery. Yes. Let’s get it out. Prayer warriors were put on alert and affirmation of their faithfulness came flooding in. Thanks be to God! The surgery went smoothly with no complications and I healed up real nice. What an awesome God!

Onto chemo. The IV went right in with no problems. Wrapped my arm in a warm towel. (thanks to all who prayed for ease and comfort). And I got the joy of three uninterrupted hours (in the middle of the day!) with my wonderful husband. I started taking the prescribed meds when I got home and never got a queasy, sick feeling at all. The next day I got a shot (in the stomach!) but it didn’t hurt at all. Side effects were possible bone pain, but when I took the prescribed meds, once again, I didn’t experience any pain or discomfort.

Did I worry / wonder before every procedure? You bet! But look at all the goodness that came! Side effects are a possibility but not a certainty. But God’s grace and blessing are.

Today I washed my hair. And yes – I did wonder how much would be on the shower floor. Then I remembered: side effects may happen. But so may God’s goodness. We can rejoice because no matter what happens, no matter side effects may enter into my journey, there will still be reason to praise the Lord.

Everyday. Everyday! I find something to thank the Lord about. I get into His Word and He empowers me. I find inspirational quotes on the internet and I am lifted up. My spirits are high. Now how can that be when I’m on a cancer journey? But I’m telling you, any circumstance can be turned into a parade of trumpets and cymbals. When you turn to Him. So I’m striking up the band! I’m lifting my hands and voice and words in testimony to how great our God is in every kind of situation. When you need Him most, He is most there for you.

I’m not a fighter. I’m a truster. And I wanted to tell of a different kind of cancer story. One with much hope and goodness. God has been faithful in His love and care for me. He says He’ll see me through. I trust in His Word. How about you?




Thursday, March 24, 2016

The day before

 … and He began to be sorrowful and troubled. (Matthew 26:36)


I have my first oncologist’s appointment tomorrow. They will probably explain test results in more detail and together we will lay out the treatment plan best for me. It will include chemotherapy and radiation.


Through a little bit of reading and a whole lot of listening to others who have gone before me, I realize that everybody’s body reacts differently to the treatments. What is a side effect for one does not necessarily mean I will experience the same. Some people lose their hair … and some do not. So while it is nice to be able to hope it won’t and think positive, good thoughts – there is also a need to process and accept that fact that it may indeed happen. I need to spend time thinking through that possibility and somehow become at peace with it in advance. The same is true for sickness, loss of appetite and tiredness. One friend said ice cream (my all-time favorite thing!) tasted like wet clay in her mouth. Another was able to keep working throughout her treatments. So again, there’s a chance I won’t turn into a couch potato and an equal chance that I should probably prepare myself for a season of rest and being not as productive as I think I should be. What a roller coaster of thoughts and feelings! But tomorrow it begins. I’ll have the footprint, the plan, and begin the walk I’d rather have the Lord take from me.


I wonder what thoughts Jesus had “the day before”. He knew what was coming. He knew He had to go through it. He knew He would come out on the other side. Did He think about hope? Did He think about preparing His mind, heart, attitude for the certain events ahead of Him?


Is my walk similar to His? Is yours? I have a feeling He understands all that's on our plates …




Thursday, March 17, 2016

Blood, sweat and tears

Only in God do I find rest; my salvation comes from Him. Only God is my rock and my salvation – my stronghold! – I won’t be shaken anymore. (Psalm 62:1-2)


Lord, I just don’t even want to have to confess this same reoccurring sin struggle yet again. But it is surely ruining me. Certainly I am not being the best version of myself. Weak. Weaker. Weakest. How do I abhor it like You do? It’s not about binge eating, diet and exercise. It’s about things not going perfectly right the first time. Why can’t I just accept that and try again or slow down long enough to cry out to You? My soul needs to find rest in You alone and maybe that takes conscious effort, practice – every hour on the hour. Purposefully turning my thoughts to You and surrendering whatever feelings to You. My Rock and my Salvation. My Fortress. So that I will not be shaken. I need to be brighter. More hopeful that I can get over the little speed bumps of life victoriously. I need to start being up for the challenge and do more victory dances and maybe I need to pay attention and track these little life challenges. Pursue victory with a determined smile and track all the victories I do have and realize I am winning at life. I can do difficult things. I am not a quitter. I can work things out. I can figure out a solution. I can bring things to completion. I need to be more positive about myself. I need to believe. I need to face my fears. I am afraid I will cave in yet again. I am afraid I am not strong enough. I am afraid I can’t shake off this bad habit. I have a hard time believing I can be made new. I have a hard time believing I can make these changes and sustain them for any length of time. I feel doomed.

And in His anguish He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. (Luke 22:44)

But what does God’s Word say? God says I am a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). He says I can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13). He says my soul can find rest and perfect peace in Him (Psalm 4:8). He says I can. He says I’m capable. The One within me is greater than any foe (1 John 4:4). Chin up. He promises to help with His mighty right hand (Isaiah 41:10). I need to keep turning to Him. I need to live with Him as my Fortress. Then I will not be shaken. How many challenges can I face and get through with the help of God today? Who is mightier than the draw of comfort food!

 Will you turn to your Lord and your God in your moment of need? Will you stop and define your challenge, your anxiety and say with confidence – with God all things are possible! This can be resolved calmly. Say it out loud: with God all things are possible. This can be resolved calmly. Stop everything. Stop what you’re doing. Bow your head and hold your hands open, loosely, palms up, and just breathe. Be still and know that I AM (Psalm 46:10). Your God and your Lord.

Lord, I want to bring delight to Your face today by seeking you when I have a challenge. When I face an emotional, spiritual battle, may You be the strong tower I run to, that keeps me safe (Proverbs 18:10); free enough to not hide but face and overcome and claim victory. Not just a shelter when I am weak, but fuel me with an empowering togetherness that moves me forward in confidence despite fear. My hope is in You and You, O Lord, will not disappoint.


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Knock! Knock! Who's there?


For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:8)


My son’s favorite joke when he was six.

Knock! Knock!

Who’s there?


Olive who? (drum roll … wait for it … !)

Olive you!



Ask. First I must admit I need or want something. Then admit I can’t get it on my own and so humble myself. Then I go looking. For most things I’m all too eager to ask God. But I wonder if there may be things I don’t ask, too afraid to ask or doubt His answer will be favorable. So I don’t ask at all. Not willing to go beyond the first step: asking in prayer without commitment.


Seek reminds me of hide and seek. Where what you want isn’t obvious and you have to go from place to place until you finally discover it.  Which makes me wonder about seek Ye first - but then maybe seek means desire. Desire which leads you to pursue it and find it. The Bible often speaks of persistence. Some people think that’s being a pest to God. But I think He wants us to continually call on Him for wisdom, discernment, and “come alongside” help us.


 And then there’s knock. Not storming in demanding but standing there respectfully and waiting for someone to open the door for you and then letting you in. How often do we storm the gates of heaven when we want a situation fixed immediately?


So what does ask, seek and knock have to do with my relationship to the Lord? Well it means I can’t be a prideful, know-it-all, demanding child. I must be humble and realize I am not self-sufficient. I must desire Him and pursue Him and Him alone to be my all in all. And not some “god” who waves a magic wand and makes everything instantly all better but a God Who will fight for me and with me – together empowering. And I must approach Him with all due respect. I must go to Him … and His welcoming face will answer the door and His loving arms will draw me in. When you knock, Who will be there? The One with the bottom line of … Olive you!


For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:8)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Fresh Bread - Daily

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. (Matthew 6:34)


Big prayers this morning for someone needing to turn more focus onto God and His character and to believe God is truly wonderful in seeing us through every size of challenge. We all need to believe in God’s divine plan and control and be willing to go through the storm with Him. Walking in the dark with Jesus is still better than standing in the light all alone without His power, His love and His grace. We need to know that we can get through whatever the case may be – because of God’s holy Presence with us.


Each day has its own worries and needs – so that we’ll need the Lord each day. Some bread daily. Some Jesus daily. Worrying about the future does not bring any peace at all. It just makes today harder than it needs to be. No wonder we feel tired, hopeless and overwhelmed. We were only meant to deal with the issues of the present day – and by deal, I mean look to God and trust in all-wise, all-loving involvement. If we worry extra today, if we take on tomorrow’s potential problems, does that mean we will not worry at all tomorrow? Has that ever really worked? No. We just make ourselves more miserable than we need to be.

The Lord’s Prayer calls for daily bread. Bread that sustains us throughout the day. Sustains us through the very challenges of the present day. Like the manna … delivered every day. Like mercies, new every morning. (Lamentations 3:23) Every day Jesus comes. Every day our help is near. Truly the Bread of Life He is. Every day. Fresh Bread.




Monday, March 7, 2016

How much more?

If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him! (Matthew 7:11)
I know we can all relate to the first part of the verse. Oh, how we love to give good gifts, right? I remember my son being in Iraq and he called to ask for a decent pillow. Pillow? Well, of course! And I ran right out and got the best, don’t you know? And a new pillowcase, and some licorice, some cookies, and before long I had a whole big box full of stuff! What JOY it gave me – to give!
I recently had the shoe on the other foot though. I had some surgery and was laid up for a couple days. And people from all over wanted to do something, “give” me something. So I swallowed my pride and decided to give them the gift of JOY in being able to give … to participate in my wellbeing. Prayer shawls, puzzle books, and meals. Volunteers to take over Sunday School for me. People offering to do or bring anything … As hard as it was to be humbled, I also considered what it would feel like to be turned away; to be told I don’t want whatever you have to offer. How would I have felt had my son made some negative comment about all that I had sent?
Enters grace. A time for every thing under heaven. A time to be humble and full of grace to another. In the giving; in the receiving.
Now, for the second part of the verse. How much more will your Father in heaven give. Does He want to be like me when I sent that package to my son? Does He want to give over the top? Do we stop Him with excuses like unworthiness? Or do we expect goodness from the Lord? Goodness, benefits, blessings are ours – if we let Him. Ask Him for a “pillow” and see what happens.