Monday, June 29, 2015

Which way do I go?

And when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." (Isaiah 30:21)

We sure enjoyed our vacation time away. Woods and streams, fresh air and no agenda. Just whiling the days away in pure and simple pleasure. We love walking along paths like you see here. How many of us think of retirement when we go on a vacation like this? Wanting to do it every day. And why do we wait so long to take a vacation like this? How refreshed we feel after a break from the norm!

Two thoughts come to mind as I think about this. One, I remember watching the path for animal scat. And holes and roots to trip on. And mud. All important stuff. But I also had to look up once in a while, to watch for trees marked in blue indicating I was still on the right path. And looking up to enjoy all the beauty around me, completely surrounded by nature and nature sounds like the babbling brook and the birds calling out and the leaves rustling in the breeze. Such beauty ... all around me. But I had to keep my mind in balance - focusing on the road before me, the beauty of God all around me and keeping sight of the "blue trail" markings - keeping me safe and on track. I didn't want to go too long focused on one without the other. Too much focus on the road could lead me off track of the intended trail. I had to keep referring back to the blue markings, the guidelines, on the path. I couldn't stay focused on possible dangers on the road without sacrificing the sight of God's creation.

And two. You know where I'm going with this. The road of life is full of puddles, roots and yes, scat. But there is still God's beauty all around too. And how important it is for us to look up and seek direction, to insure we are on the right path.  How important it is that we don't wait too long before we stop and get our bearings. Are we still on the right path? Looking up and seeking God is vital for a good walk. Vacations may come only once a year. And Sabbaths once a week. But don't wait too long to reconnect with God, our Creator. He is in our midst - all around. Any time. Any place. Look up. Continue on your life walk. Be refreshed by His constant presence.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Zoom lens or panarama?

One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple. (Psalm 27:4)

I have friends who are really into photography. They are able to "see" much more through their lens than we do looking through just the human eye.

What appears to be just a tree branch covered with leaves, reveals a nest with little chirping beaks.

A forest of trees? That same zooming lens uncovers a doe and fawn hidden beneath branches.

Imagine the rainbow effects in the morning dew on a spider web ...

One friend even dared to draw closer than close to a bumblebee (!) on a flower - oh! The detail! The intricacies discovered there! God did that? God's very hand?

What breath-taking discoveries, right? Right there, if we but stop and take a closer look.

And its not just for the professional or experienced. With today's cell phone features, anyone can zoom in, enlarge - beauty that escapes the naked, "human" eye.

So it is with all of life. If you but look, really look - reframe - choose - you can find a treasure, a gem, a diamond in the "rough" of life.

Today ... gaze upon the beauties of the Lord.

Friday, June 19, 2015

I'm sticking with God!

By standing firm, you will gain life. (Luke 21:19)

There sure are a lot of zigs and zags in life. Yings and yangs. Twists and turns. There's always something - and something else as well. In contrast. Opposite.

While the evening news brings me images too painful to bear; at work I find two-year-old boys playing ring around the rosies and laughing hysterically when they "all fall down".

Dark, grey skies start the day instead of a morning sunrise; yet my kitty climbs in my lap, kneads my belly, and purrs contentment into both of us.

A pile of dirty dishes, a bigger pile of laundry; thank God for the provision that started these "messes".

Long, hard days at work; followed by time off, weekends and vacations. Hope for easy-going days to look forward to.

Challenges and trials of life - draining; and times of rest and repose with the Lord in prayer - refueling. Hearing from His Word. Renewing our remembering of promises of hope for today and tomorrow.

You can focus on the doom and gloom that creeps into every day. But I'm sticking with God. The God of all hope. The God Who can turn anything into something useful up ahead. With God, there's always a bright spot in the future. Eternity, of course. But also a few months from now ... and later today. And in the next breath you take. Stand firm in the Lord. Stomp your foot. Chin up. I'm sticking with God! As for me, I'm living in hope.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Things I need to know

... there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over  flocks ... (Luke 2:8)

Many of you know I work part-time at a childcare center. Oh, the lessons I've learned!

I've learned that they say, "No!" (I'm not gonna listen to you!) as often as I say, "No!" (Don't do that! Not safe!) and we are both adamant and standing firm. (I wonder if  bump heads with God the same way ...)

And that as much as I would love to sit and play and enjoy our time together, there are times when their poor choices "ruin it" and I must more firmly say, "No!" and separate them from myself with a time-out. (I wonder if God does the same with us ...)

And as fun as playing and being active is, lying down with a blankie (after putting up a good fight first, of course) - is alright. (I wonder if we too, put up a fight when God calls us to rest ...)

There are safe and secure cuddle times when a child will just sit in my lap, lean back, thumb firmly planted in the mouth - and just watch the world go by. What a pleasure to provide those few precious moments to their busy little lives. (I wonder if God longs to provide that for us as well ...)

And at day's end, father (or mother) will come, and all will be perfectly right with the world. There will be ear-to-ear smiles, outstretched arms and shouts of joy. As wonderful as the day has been: "I'm going home!" (I wonder if we think about Father coming to take us home - with such joy ...)

In the meantime, there are others put into place to journey through this day with them, providing food and drink at the proper time, keeping them safe, clean, protected, loved. (I wonder if we see our journey together like that. Meeting each other's needs until Father comes ...)

Are you a shepherd?
Living nearby?
Keeping watch over a flock?

Monday, June 15, 2015

Christian Leadership: In Christ Alone

I recently gave this talk on Christian leadership at a spiritual retreat. It was requested that I post it on my blog. Although it's longer than my usual posts, I hope you will take the time to read, learn, and grow in your walk with Christ because of it.


My name is Julie Crane. I was born in the spring of 1957, the youngest of eight, in small town USA to parents of meager means. I squeaked through school with a C- average. Quiet. Shy. Lacked vision, purpose, goals. Was in and out of jobs, relationships and places to live. Not a real stellar resume …


But I am here to talk to you about leaders – not people like me.


We all know what leaders look like. They take charge – that’s a spirit of initiative. They are able to imagine what might be and do whatever has to be done to get things done – that’s the ability to take risks.  They may seem to be more knowledgeable, more advanced, more successful, even more superior  – which causes them to have a sense of responsibility over others with less knowledge and experience. These qualities seem to come naturally.


But there are also some desired qualities we would like to see in our leaders. People who are real, genuine. True whether others are watching or not. And generous with their time and talents. Who understand the value and importance and impact of their actions upon others.


I’ll bet you’re thinking leaders need to be extroverts. Real go-getters. Confident. Determined. Focused. Charismatic. Plus knowledgeable and experienced.


Show of hands, how many of us have all the qualities I’ve listed so far? How many of us feel able to fill the shoes of … (gulp) LEADER?


So, let’s take a look at some biblical leaders:

Like Moses – Exodus 4:10


 But Moses said to the Lord, “O my Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor even now that you have spoken to your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” Exodus 4:10


Maybe we better look at a KING.

Uh, let’s try: King Saul – 1 Samuel 9:21

 Saul answered, “I am only a Benjaminite, from the least of the tribes of Israel, and my family is the humblest of all the families of the tribe of Benjamin. Why then have you spoken to me in this way?” 1 Samuel 9:21




Hmmm … let us look at King DAVID – 1 Samuel 16:10-13

10 Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel, and Samuel said to Jesse, “The Lord has not chosen any of these.” 11 Samuel said to Jesse, “Are all your sons here?” And he said, “There remains yet the youngest, but he is keeping the sheep.” And Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and bring him; for we will not sit down until he comes here.” 12 He sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and had beautiful eyes, and was handsome. The Lord said, “Rise and anoint him; for this is the one.” 13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the presence of his brothers; and the spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward. 1 Samuel 16:10-13


Hmmm … the youngest of eight; (pause) the least of all clans might mean from a family of meager means … and slow in speech may have caused him to carry a C- average.


What does this tell us about what Christian leaders are made of?


Christian leaders are equipped by God - regardless of human characteristics. Were you thinking you don’t have the right stuff for a leadership position? Guess what. Doesn’t matter.


Peter steps out of a boat and walks on water. 2000 years later, we remember that, knowing the same Jesus calls us out of the safe and familiar. God equips those who respond to God’s call.


We’ve all heard the saying: God doesn’t call the equipped, but equips the called. Really? Where is that in the bible? Well, I found it ...


make you complete in everything good so that you may do his will, working among us[a] that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13:21


so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:17




Christian leaders are ones called to lead others to the knowledge of Christ through the words and actions given them by God’s Holy Spirit residing within them (given them … by God). By the power of Christ within, any one can LEAD others to the knowledge of Christ and His love.  (pause through this paragraph)


Hebrews 11 lists numerous faith heroes of the bible: Abraham in faith, obeyed God and went even though he did not know where he was going. And there are others. Verse 13 says “All these people were still living by faith when they died.” Wow! I want to live like that. Faith in God no matter what comes my way. Until the day I die.


The verse goes on to say: Considered Him (meaning God) –  faithful Who made the promise. What promise? How about, I WILL BE WITH YOU ALWAYS. And I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU.


A living faith of Hope. Love. Humility. It’s what Abraham’s story is showing us. That’s putting all your eggs in one basket – God’s basket. Counting on God for all that is needed.


Christian leaders keep walking with the Lord. They don’t stop in the midst of fear, doubt, or temptation. “Get behind me, Satan!” I’m moving on. I’m sticking with God! I will worship with all my heart. I will continue to learn about God through study. I will go and do as God calls me into action.


Christian leadership is about setting the example. Talking the talk. Walking the walk. AND falling the fall. And getting back up. Everyone falls from time to time. Leaders get back up. Again and again. Micah 7:8 Though I have fallen, I will rise … Living in such a way truly shapes the lives in the world around them.


And it’s also about stay and be still when God says to do so – even when all around you says, “Go! Go! Go! and “Do! Do! Do!”


Leaders show how to be a servant. (Won’t you let me be your servant? Let me be as Christ to you.)… Again, set the example. Live life in such a way that others see you: 1) seeking God, 2) hearing God, 3) listening to God, 4) obeying God. Show that you know the difference between Godly callings and worldly callings. And speaking of callings …


Earlier in my talk I referenced a few Old Testament leaders.


Here is something I found in the New Testament. More leaders. Of the first century church. Peter and John were out spreading the gospel story of Christ risen from the dead. They ended up in jail several times over that. And they even healed a man.


When questioned by the chief priests and rulers about this healing, they responded,


It is by the power of Jesus’ name that you see this man today – completely healed. (pause)


Then listen to what it says next, in Acts 4:13 –

 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and ordinary men, they were amazed and recognized them as companions of Jesus. Acts 4:13



… they had been with Jesus … it was obvious.


Christ is counting on you to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. To become an instrument of His peace and redeeming love for all the world. An instrument is defined as something used to make something happen; to achieve a result. God has a plan and purpose for your everyday life.

So, this now middle aged woman who began life the youngest of eight (like David), in meager means (like King Saul), and with a pitiful educational background (like Moses, Peter and John)) … whatever became of her and her story?


Well, today she is happily married to her pastor-husband Scott, serving in a quaint little village church. By God’s grace and God’s equipping, she designs, sends, and sells notecards for those who need love and support. By God’s inspiration, she writes a blog of Christian encouragement and has recently published a devotional book. By God’s empowerment she is able to stand before all of you to do this talk.  She worships God every morning with devotions and prayer . She both attends and teaches Sunday School classes. And as the Lord leads and equips, she lives a life of love. She is a leader. More importantly, (don’t miss this …) she is a follower… of Christ.


One last point I want to make.


     You’ll notice in this picture that the sheep are not lined up one behind the other, like a row of ducks on a pond; they are not following the sheep that is directly ahead of them. No, they are all gathered close around the Shepherd. Their eyes are on the One they know and trust.



… the sheep follow him because they know his voice. They will not follow a stranger…


 (says John 10)


You are not called to be like the person ahead of you. Or next to you. Some do morning devotions. Some are called to evening prayers. Some are writers, some photograph God’s beauty in nature; others cook up enjoyable meals; others knit hats and mittens; still others work in a food pantry or sing in a choir – ALL to the glory of God. This isn’t about “I wanna be just like her.” Or “I can’t possibly be like that”. For we are, each one of us, called to follow – the voice of Christ alone.


Be the example God calls you to be for the world around you. By the power of Christ within, in the power of His Name, anyone can LEAD others to the knowledge of Christ and His love.


My brothers and sister in Christ, God loves you and so do I!



Thursday, June 4, 2015

Right this way, please

" ... when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8)

I have a confession to make. I am part of a book club and had been putting off and putting off this month's selection. But next Wednesday was quickly approaching so I went online and got a 26-page summary and analysis on the book and read that yesterday morning. I figured it would give me enough information to participate. Then guess what happened? I had the date wrong and book club was that very night! (Thank goodness I wasn't scheduled to be hostess and that it was being held at a neighbor's house!)

"Lord, I need to be grateful for Your loving involvement in my yesterday. How wonderful of You to have me read the book summary so I could be prepared at some level last night. I had no time to be anxious. In big important things, and such trivial little things, You take care. Thank You."

I really need to acknowledge and have faith that God takes care of me. Every day, I need to take a more faith-based approach to the unknown. God is not anxious. Ever. God always knows what to do. God is the best Preparer, Organizer I know. Seek Him. Trust Him. Lift it all up to Him in prayer.  "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" Will He find people praying? Cry out day and night is what it says in  Luke 18. No "woe is me, what is going to happen and how will I ever be able to do it?" God will not keep putting you off (Luke 18:7). Do you believe this about every situation or not? Is God attentive, or not? Then your prayers should not be with the wrinkled brow, wringing of hands and clenched teeth. When you lift your concerns of the day up to the Lord, close your eyes, open your hands - palms up and control your breathing. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever (Psalm 106:1).

It is good for my overall well-being to believe God will always show up and to believe He is always at work beforehand, lining things up. Nothing takes Him by surprise. He has seen it all. He knows it all. He expects it all and in His supreme all-sufficiency, He can handle it all.

"Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always. Remember the wonders He has done ..." (Psalm 105:4-5)