Saturday, March 8, 2014

Two-Way Conversation

I know that there have been plenty of conversations regarding if God hears our prayers. We pray and pray and don’t seem to get an answer. Right?

But in God’s Word we read and we trust that He does hear. Remember poor ol’ Hagar out in the wilderness. Her and her son, Ismael, dying. But God heard the boy’s cries, and He responded. So we know, God hears.

The thing I sometimes wonder and worry about… do I hear God? Do you ever ask Him for guidance or direction and wonder if you will actually hear Him? Is there anything in the Bible that gives us hope that somehow, somehow, we will hear Him when He responds, as Hagar did?

The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice; and I know them, and they follow Me. – John 10:27

There. There you go. You are capable of hearing His voice. He, Who has promised to cheer and to guide – you will hear Him.

It’s another one of those supernatural, divine, miraculous things God takes care of. You just need to settle down, and listen, and not shrug off the first thing that comes to mind just because you think it’s impossible.

Write your question to God down on a piece of paper. And then write down everything that comes to mind after that. Stupid or not. Write all these thoughts down for a few minutes. You might just surprise yourself with an answer from God Himself.

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