And He (Jesus) could hardly accept the fact that they
wouldn’t believe in Him. – Mark 6:6 (TLB)
version says, “… their lack of faith
distressed Him so.”
when you think that faith the size of a mustard seed is more than enough. Are
we sometimes guilty of not even having that much? Even when things were / are
miraculously healed immediately, we raise the bar and wonder if God will do this – this next thing. When He
has been faithful for forever in meeting our needs including our greatest
one: a Savior; and an on-going relationship with Him. Are you wondering what
God will do for you now? Or if He’ll do?
seen everything from safe travels on a snowy road, to job placements, to cancer
survivors. Sins forgiven and people getting up and walk (or play guitar again!)
(Mark 2:9). I’ve seen people rally around the poor, the needy and the
brokenhearted. And soldiers home from the war.
this world you will have trouble. But take heart! – John 16:33
gives you His peace (and strength to persevere towards that certain hope). God
can do and will do and does do – miracle upon miracle –
if I gathered up all the miracles in my life and you gathered up all of yours,
and all our friends did the same – can you imagine the overflow of power coming
down from heaven? I am reminded of the woman that touched His clothes in the crowd
– and power went out from Him. He felt it. She felt it. And was freed from her suffering.
(Mark 5:27)
before your labor and delivery, to long after your release from this life to
the next, God is your Sustainer. He will uphold you with His mighty right hand.
(Is. 41:10) He Who raised Jesus from the dead (for you) will certainly raise
you up and strengthen you and hold you up in whatever you face today. (Eph. 1:
a mustard seed and hold it between your two fingers. Press into it every one of
these 40 days of Lent and believe – in His resurrection power.
Well said!!!!!!