Wednesday, March 12, 2014

God's Daily Bread

I was feeling guilty. Guilty because as important as it is to read your bible every day… I haven’t been doing it every day. And it’s not because I’m overly busy either. Just got interested / distracted in doing other things. I usually read my bible in the mornings. So when other things happen at that time of day, well, later on in the day doesn’t feel right. Know what I mean?

God doesn’t want us feeling guilty. In fact, He opened my eyes today on some of the other ways I have been connecting with Him and His Word.

For instance, I recently joined an online diet coaching program and she talked about how believers get a new, clean spirit but not a new, clean flesh. So my flesh is always going to be trying to tell me what to do based on feelings (I don’t feel like exercising; I don’t feel like drinking more water, I don’t feel like reading my Bible...) But I have a new, clean spirit within me now and that spirit gives me the desire to obey God despite my feelings. And when I obey, I am rewarded. It made me think of something in the Bible about the sinful nature having their minds set on what that nature desires but those who live according to the Spirit have their hearts set on what the Spirit desires.

I’m also into an interesting Christian novel and one of the characters in there was talking about not giving up or doubting God no matter what. Don’t you dare doubt or question His character. God is always present, God is always working for good on your behalf. Trust Him no matter what. And I am reminded of verses in the Bible that talk about nothing being too difficult for Him, and that His plans are better and greater than my plans.

God finds me and feeds me His “daily bread”. Lots of times it’s from the Bible reading I do in the morning. And sometimes He has other ways of causing me to think on Him. His Word came to me and spoke to me – through an email and a fictional piece; I was able to remember some basic teachings from God’s Word. You see, He does take care of us; He does lead, guide, direct our steps. He does. Provide. Sustain. Encourage. Equip.

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