Monday, July 29, 2013

Once is not enough

 I recently visited a different church for Sunday morning worship. They sang a song I was unfamiliar with … but I loved the chorus. The first time around I struggled with the tune / rhythm. The second time around, I listened to the words; the third - finally, really saying / singing the words – and then making an emotional connection to the words: Love you so much, Jesus, love you so much. It sank right into my heart.

It reminded me of reading the same thing over and over again in the Bible. I know that many people put great store in reading the Bible cover to cover. And indeed, that is a good thing. But I’ve been reading the same chapter (Matthew 6) over and over and I have to tell you it’s been a very educational process. The first few times through, I found a rhythm to what Jesus was saying. Then I pushed myself through the “this is boring” , and started really “listening” to the words He spoke – with different phrases jumping out at me on different days. Then I started making emotional connections to His words… messages from that passage that would remind me how to respond in life; and the gracious character of God.

I think it’s profitable to slow down and really dig in. To try to look at the same thing from different angles; different days; different moods. And sometimes not be so quick to move on. I think many of us have experienced reading a familiar bible passage and picking up something “new” we didn’t see before… I believe this is God-honoring. I believe it deepens your understanding of God and Who He is. I encourage you to try – embrace the Word of God, love the Word of God, and do not let "Him" go....

“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. – Matt. 7:24

·        It’s okay to be in one place for awhile…

·        Stop, look and listen – are all honorable things to do…

·        Love you so much, love you so much



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  2. This is so true. Recently a friend stayed with us for a few days. She asked something about a verse she had read that morning. It was a verse that I had read many ! times, but I had never noticed that phrase before.
