Friday, February 1, 2013

Who will I be today?

I got a bracelet as a Christmas gift. It says:

“Dreams become reality
one choice at a time.”

The local restaurant owner here, when asked what his plans are for the future, said:

“I plan on being here tomorrow.”

 And on a website for healthier living, I found listed:

“Envision what it will feel like.”

 Aren’t we all guilty of making something look incredible difficult, impossible? Do we bite off more than we can chew (no diet pun intended) – before we even start? Whether its dieting, or reading the Bible straight through, or considering a new hobby, a new job,  organizing the home office, straightening up the basement, getting to the gym, even having good intentions to send more cards out this year… do you wish you were more (______________ fill in the blank) but just can’t seem to get the ball rolling and keep it rolling… ?

(I’ll fill in the blank) I want to be someone who is more organized. I want to be someone who has a healthy attitude about diet and exercise. I want to be someone who shows love and compassion towards others.

It feels impossible to give up bread and sweets completely and  forever so that I can lose weight, right? That basement is filled, filled, filled with boxes… all of them half-opened and dug through – it will take forever and a day to get it all organized. Changing clothes to go to the gym, driving to and from in this weather, re-showering… every day for the rest of my life… Do you see where I’m going with this? We need doable, bite-sizes of change / improvements.

I’m going to take the advice from the bracelet and make it happen one choice at a time.
I’m going to take the words from the restaurant owner and make plans for one day at a time.
I’m going to take the advice from the website and imagine myself, just for today, as someone who will do at least one thing as the person I desire to be.

So that, at the end of this day, I can say to myself,

“I was helpful today in encouraging others to have hope – because I wrote a blog post.”
 (I am a HELPFUL kind of person)
“I was thoughtful today because I mailed out a thinking of you card.”
 (I am a THOUGHTFUL kind of person)
“I was kind today because I helped someone brush the snow off their car.”
( I am a KIND kind of person)

How about you? Just for today, what kind of person will you be?

  • Thank you for your letter! It was so good to hear from you again!
  • Keeping you in thought and prayer… because I care.
  • You are such an inspiration to me… thanks for being there.


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