Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pleased with ordinary things

Maybe it’s the cold, gray, February weather. Maybe it’s me finally getting used to not having to go to work every day, instead, I have the whole day available to do whatever. But either way, I feel myself getting a little restless or bored – or not living very usefully or purposefully.

So in my morning prayers today, I asked God, “Who am I and why am I here? What should I be doing? What is my purpose for being here in this place and having all this ‘free time’?” Some worthy activity… some passionate purpose…

No response from God. Stillness. Absolute quiet. Nothing. Not one word from God.

Have you been there? Desperately seeking God and no sense of response from Him?

I finally decided to knit and rock here in my chair for awhile. And picked up the prayer shawl I’ve working on. Yes, you read that right – a prayer shawl.  As in, making something for the benefit of someone else. And praying along each row for someone else’s health and well-being. To have it ready and available for a fellow church member in need.  BAM! Answered prayer. Some worthy activity!

The more I thought about this startling, immediate, answered prayer – the more excited I got and the more energized and passionate I became about writing about it and sharing it with others on my blog. BAM! Answered prayer. Some passionate purpose!

Praise God! Answered prayer can happen just like… that! (snap your fingers)


1 Peter, chapter 3 says that God is pleased with gentle, quiet things.

2 Timothy, chapter 2 says that some purposes are noble and some ignoble… an instrument made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

2 Corin., chapter 4 says we are jars of clay. It’s easy to forget that we are the packaging and His work is the treasure…

Yes, I believe He is pleased with small, ordinary things… things that carry the love of God. So, what small thing can you do for someone today?

  • It’s been too long! How are you? Can’t wait to hear back from you!
  • If it matters to you, it matters to God.
  • Be still and know that I Am God!






1 comment:

  1. Julie; BAM can stand for Be Always Mindful - we all sit and wonder what God's purpose is for us, but He does speak to our hearts or minds in ways we don't always know. Often it is just a little nagging feeling to do something, or a thought rushes through, or someone calls and asks us - whatever way it comes, we we can say "YES" to God's love and to loving others, as the Holy Spirit starts to work to shape (and reshape)us. The more we obey and the more we say yes to those little whispers and thoughts, the more we will learn to trust Him and saying yes becomes easier. Love to you, my dear. Kathy Y.
