Sunday, August 25, 2024

Unchangeable (reprint from 2017)


Whether it is favorable or unfavorable, we will obey the Lord our God … (Jeremiah 42:6)

I was curious. So I went back and looked at the first real post on my blog. It was about sending and receiving cards in the mail and my mom calling it “good mail”. (October 9, 2012)

Times sure have changed! The world and all its fast-paced technology …

 But I haven’t changed. The world hasn’t moved me from my Godly calling. Sending cards.

 I know they are appreciated (because people stop and tell me so)

I know they are treasured (because people tell me they save them)

I know they are of God (because people tell me “it was the perfect verse” and “just what I needed to hear that day”)

 Snail mail is becoming a thing of the past. There aren’t many who join me in sending notes to others who need to hear a good word from the Lord – hold it in their hands – press it to their heart…

 But I can’t stop following where the Lord leads me … whatever the world thinks of the latest, quickest technology for communicating – I will keep sending out the Word of God and His love to the ones I know need encouragement. In a card.

 Are you battling with your God-calling and the world?

Whether it is favorable or unfavorable, we will obey the Lord our God … (Jeremiah 42:6)

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