Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Keep going!


My pastor spoke this past Sunday about spiritual growth and continuing to grow not just in head knowledge but also heart knowledge. The importance of continuing to challenge yourself just a little bit and then a little bit more. Always growing, learning, and maturing in faith and understanding. And that is so important. When we first become believers, we learn that God loves us and forgives us. And in growing our knowledge of Him through His Word, in worship, and sharing of our stories with other believers - we also learn that He is kind and helpful. But what if we stopped our knowing and growing there? We might not realize He is faithful, gentle, compassionate. We might not experience His power and omnipresence. His new mercies every morning. His amazing grace. And so much more!

Our trust in Him grows through continuous learning and experiencing.

But a thought crossed my mind. Just as our physical body can lose strength and flexibility from not being used regularly, so can our spiritual “muscles”. Not making time to read God’s Word anymore, not praying as much anymore, not gathering with other believers on a regular basis… you can’t retain a level of faith without consistent care and maintenance. It just doesn’t work that way. Reliable faith works best when it is used often.

Oh, how some of us remember the days when we could walk for miles while shopping or touring the sights on vacation. And now we groan going up a flight of stairs. Although the aging process will eventually catch up with us physically, our spirit can continue to grow in the loving likeness of Christ all our earthly days.

For physical training is of some value, but godliness (spiritual training) is of value in everything and in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and for the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:8 AMP)

Hebrews 10:25 says to not give up. Keep loving. Keep encouraging. Keep sharing your experiences of God in your life. Don’t let an opportunity to be strong in the Lord or to influence others for Christ find you unprepared. 

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. (Act 2:46-47)

Every day.


Before desperation hits in a time of great need. Exercising your spiritual muscle will have you ready for every kind of test and challenge. You will have a confidence and a trust built right in to your character by staying the course of walking continually with the Lord and seeking to know Him more and more.

Have you drifted? Let things slide a little? You can pick it back up. Challenge yourself a little bit and then a little bit more. How wonderful it will be to once again live in the assurance and confidence of knowing and remembering the living Lord and all that He is for you.

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