Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Safe and Secure

Lord, I know and trust and believe in Your holy presence and divine power over all the universe, seen and unseen. I believe You are greater than anything we could hope for or imagine. You know we are but dust and like grass under the pressure of the wind. Prone to worry. Prone to wander, even from the steadfast security and love found in You. You are patient, understanding and forgiving of us beyond all reason. It boggles the mind how infinitely loving, gracious, merciful and kind to us You are. If we would give a mere tenth of that back to You - a mere tenth of Your overflowing portion to us - to our neighbor... what a wonderful world it would be. Surely a peace that passes understanding would fall upon us.

Even in these times, as in times past, You beckon me to lay my head upon Your chest, You smooth my hair down and pat my back with Your right hand, You hum a soothing tune. Even now, in my soul, You recreate the rhythmic, steady assurance of being rocked by my momma in the stillness of early morning.

Creak... creak... creak...

You will be secure, because there is hope;
you will look about you and take your rest in safety.
(Job 11:18)

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