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© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved |
Texting. Young and old alike use it as a form of communication. But is it really? How often I wonder what a person really means half the time. I can't tell if they're kidding or not. Really upset or not. Even the addition of an emoji can be sarcastic and I wouldn't be really sure. We read it and decipher what we can from it.
How often do we read our bible the same way? Someone recently shared with me (through a book they wrote) about studying the passage where Peter walks on water. (Matthew 14:28-31) Many of us are familiar with it. Peter starts walking toward Jesus on the water. Gets scared. Sinking! Jesus grabs him and says, "O you of little faith!"
If you're like me, those last words are what I remember most. Yep. That's me. Failing again because I have little faith.
But what happened before that? Jesus grabs hold of him. Many translations say He IMMEDIATELY grabbed hold of him. The first thing Jesus does is rescue. Rescue!
I was in a bible study once discussing this very passage and the conversation turned to how to soften the "blow" of Jesus' words. Because, think for just a moment - your little one takes a spill off the tricycle. Don't you first run over and scoop them up, hug them, brush the dirt off their knees. And then say, " Silly goose! You need to be more careful next time. I will remind you again to not go so fast."
Now, can you picture Jesus scooping Peter up, tousling his hair, kissing his forehead and saying, "O you goosey head! What happened? I'm here and I care. Let's be more attentive next time. I will help you."
Can Jesus be as gentle, as understanding, as a parent?
I love the commercial on TV where the dad puts a band-aid on his daughter's knee and then takes the magic wand she's been playing with and taps it to her knee. Can Jesus be as sweet as that - with us?
Let's remember the gracious and compassionate character of Jesus when we read His words. Instead of assuming He's tired of us and all our failings - let's remember He keeps no record of wrongs ( 1 Corinthians 13:5) and delights in us - every step of the way. You are precious in His sight. Yes, Jesus loves you!
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