There is a time
for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens (Ecclesiastes
who experiences four distinct seasons in their climate is happy to see winter
go and have spring spring into
action. It’s already happening, slow but sure. More sunshine. More birds
chirping. Buds on the trees. And flowers beginning to poke their heads out.
Flowers appear
on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in
our land. (Song of Songs 2:12)
flowers. What have they been doing all these winter months? Just sitting there?
sometimes feel that way in my personal life. There just seems to be “stages” or
“seasons” when I am energetic and full of life and can’t wait to get started on
a project. And other times, when I feel not very productive at all. (Lazy)
it be that there are seasons to our personal lives as well as in nature?
Whether it lasts months, or revolves through its cycle each day …
there a winter where there is more reflection and rest?
spring where new ideas and energy leap into action?
full of smiles and sunshine and enjoying the outdoors?
a fall, where things wind down…
Six days you
shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the plowing
season and harvest you must rest. (Exodus 34:21)
during the plowing season and harvest … hmmm.
like nature, we aren’t meant to stay in one season continuously. Maybe our
energies, and the energy of those around us, ebb and flow – like the world
around us.
He made the moon
to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down. (Psalm 104:19)
Even the stork
in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush
observe the time of their migration. (Jeremiah 8:7)
Even the stork in the sky knows ...
has been created by God. Organized and orchestrated and cared for by God. And
by His hand, there is a beauty to every season.
you thinking you need to be going full tilt for the Lord all the time? Every
waking moment? Or are you restless because you think you aren’t doing enough?
about we let God decide.
has the rhythms of life in His hands and He is always working things out.
He’s got this.
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