Thursday, March 8, 2018

Gaining ... every week!

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. (Hebrews 2:1)

So, yeah ... I joined one of those weight management programs. Daily tracking, weekly weigh-ins. Weekly meetings. Plus 24/7 help line.

And I'm gaining.

I'm gaining success in weight loss goals.
I'm gaining victories over bad eating habits.
I'm gaining freedom from anxiety over food in general.
I'm gaining peace about my health and appearance.

Daily tracking: helps me pay attention to what's important, be aware, stay committed
Weekly weigh-ins: a regularly scheduled checkpoint so I don't drift too far from my plans for reaching my goal
Weekly meetings: because it is helpful and encouraging to gather with others on the same journey; understanding the same struggles
24/7 help line: because, sometimes, I need guidance and advice - right now

I've tried time and again to do it on my own. Every time I drifted. And then gave up. Even when I believed it to be so important. Not paying careful attention does that.

And so now I'm wondering if the same practices could improve my spiritual life.

Daily tracking: (prayer and bible reading) would help me pay attention to what's important, be aware, stay committed
Weekly weigh-in: (reflect on my thoughts of God this past week) a regularly scheduled checkpoint so I don't drift too far
Weekly meetings: (gathering together as believers - seeking the Lord) because it is helpful and encouraging to gather with others on the same journey; understanding the same struggles
24/7 help line: (The Lord Himself - available always - to hear and to help) because, sometimes, I need guidance and advice - right now

I'm ready. I'm ready to gain more and more success in my life.

Join me, won't you?

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