Saturday, March 31, 2018


© 2018 Julie Crane All rights reserved
They all ate and were satisfied ... (Matthew 14:20)

Maundy Thursday evening service. Tables set up in the shape of a cross. The BREAD and the cup placed for all to see. Candles lit. A solemn affair of remembering commences.

But right in my line of vision is a two-year-old, gazing at the BREAD. Eyes sparkling. From the nearby candle or the sacred BREAD? "Daddy," she whispers and points. Soon a plate of pre-cut BREAD squares is passed and she accepts her little bit. But even as the service continues, you can hear her plead and ask, "Daddy. More." and she points to the big loaf on display. A whimper. A little whine. She wants more BREAD. The big BREAD. The Great, Big, BREAD. It's been broken. She waits.

Finally the evening has ended and she receives a big hunk of the big loaf. Her face lights up. Her mouth dives in for a big bite. She pinches off bits of crust, examines it, pops it into her mouth. Savors the BREAD. Enjoys her BREAD. Loves her BREAD. Walks around carrying her BREAD close to her heart.

All is well.
All is well.
She has her BREAD.
Her Great... BIG ... BREAD.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Thanks for doing this!

© 2018 Julie Crane All rights reserved
'Come, for everything is now ready.' (Luke 14:17)

On some Saturday mornings, mom made cinnamon rolls. From scratch. My brother, who lived way across town, claims he could smell them baking from there and would "stop by for coffee".

Can you image his mouth-watering anticipation of mom's freshly baked rolls? As a kid, I loved to watch: the mixing, the rolling, the sprinkling, and cutting. (Thanks, Mom, for doing all this for us!) But the best of all, the smelling, tasting and savoring in my mouth! Eyes closed. Sweetness on my lips. I can still see me at the kitchen table ...

Do we, can we, should we... approach the Lord's table with the same zeal?

Are all your senses awakened and on alert like my brother across town? Do you head to the Table full of anticipation? Does the preparation of all that had to be done to make it happen - fill you with joy and gratitude? (Thanks, Jesus, for doing all this for us!) Is it pure heaven to have it in your mouth, on your lips?

The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" (Revelation 22:17)
'Come, for everything is now ready.' (Luke 14:17)
And thanks. And thanks for doing all this ...

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Seasons come. Seasons go.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens (Ecclesiastes 3:13)

Anyone who experiences four distinct seasons in their climate is happy to see winter go and have spring spring into action. It’s already happening, slow but sure. More sunshine. More birds chirping. Buds on the trees. And flowers beginning to poke their heads out.

Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. (Song of Songs 2:12)

Those flowers. What have they been doing all these winter months? Just sitting there? Unproductive?

I sometimes feel that way in my personal life. There just seems to be “stages” or “seasons” when I am energetic and full of life and can’t wait to get started on a project. And other times, when I feel not very productive at all. (Lazy)

Could it be that there are seasons to our personal lives as well as in nature? Whether it lasts months, or revolves through its cycle each day …

Is there a winter where there is more reflection and rest?
A spring where new ideas and energy leap into action?
Summer full of smiles and sunshine and enjoying the outdoors?
And a fall, where things wind down…

Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the plowing season and harvest you must rest. (Exodus 34:21)

Even during the plowing season and harvest … hmmm.

Maybe, like nature, we aren’t meant to stay in one season continuously. Maybe our energies, and the energy of those around us, ebb and flow – like the world around us.

He made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down. (Psalm 104:19)
Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration. (Jeremiah 8:7)

Even the stork in the sky knows ...

Everything has been created by God. Organized and orchestrated and cared for by God. And by His hand, there is a beauty to every season.

Are you thinking you need to be going full tilt for the Lord all the time? Every waking moment? Or are you restless because you think you aren’t doing enough?

How about we let God decide.
God has the rhythms of life in His hands and He is always working things out.
Relax. He’s got this.

Thursday, March 15, 2018


But the Lord replied to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered and anxious about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part (that which is to her advantage) , which will not be taken away from her. (Luke 10:41-42 AMP)

The collection of bracelets on my arm have started to gain some attention. (Okay. Rightly so.) Each one reminds me of someone special in my life. They also remind me of something else. Something important. Don't worry about what other people think.

What's most important is this: What does your Father in heaven think?

I tell myself, "I'm 60 years old! It's time to simplify. It's time to live in the pure and simple joy of the Lord. And to live for the Lord alone."

I recently had a conversation with a person heading into a sticky situation. Sticky because of what we anticipate other's reactions will be. When the only thing we should be spending our time being concerned about is:

What does my Father in heaven think?

Oh, what peace we often forfeit ...

Have you, like me, sometimes got caught up in seeking the approval of others? Spinning your wheels?

"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed - or indeed only one." (Luke 10:41-42)

Will I be removing these bracelets to a more "sensible" number? Not at all. Collectively, they remind me of the one thing. The one necessary thing. 

Simplify your life.
Give the Lord His proper place.
He is the Utmost.
He is the one thing.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Gaining ... every week!

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. (Hebrews 2:1)

So, yeah ... I joined one of those weight management programs. Daily tracking, weekly weigh-ins. Weekly meetings. Plus 24/7 help line.

And I'm gaining.

I'm gaining success in weight loss goals.
I'm gaining victories over bad eating habits.
I'm gaining freedom from anxiety over food in general.
I'm gaining peace about my health and appearance.

Daily tracking: helps me pay attention to what's important, be aware, stay committed
Weekly weigh-ins: a regularly scheduled checkpoint so I don't drift too far from my plans for reaching my goal
Weekly meetings: because it is helpful and encouraging to gather with others on the same journey; understanding the same struggles
24/7 help line: because, sometimes, I need guidance and advice - right now

I've tried time and again to do it on my own. Every time I drifted. And then gave up. Even when I believed it to be so important. Not paying careful attention does that.

And so now I'm wondering if the same practices could improve my spiritual life.

Daily tracking: (prayer and bible reading) would help me pay attention to what's important, be aware, stay committed
Weekly weigh-in: (reflect on my thoughts of God this past week) a regularly scheduled checkpoint so I don't drift too far
Weekly meetings: (gathering together as believers - seeking the Lord) because it is helpful and encouraging to gather with others on the same journey; understanding the same struggles
24/7 help line: (The Lord Himself - available always - to hear and to help) because, sometimes, I need guidance and advice - right now

I'm ready. I'm ready to gain more and more success in my life.

Join me, won't you?

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Thank God for ... exercise?

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved

While physical training has some value, training in holy living is useful for everything. It has promise for this life now and the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:8 CEB)

7:00 a.m. Time to get on the elliptical. Groan. The negotiations are already starting in my head: “I did it yesterday. I don’t have to do it every day. I’ll probably go for a walk or something later, so …”

So why am I on the elliptical again? Why do I do it? HOW do I do it?

A good friend recently reminded me: “Because I CAN!”

I physically can!

The bible verse above doesn’t say it’s of no value. There is some value.

So how can I turn this “physical training time” into holy living time? By giving thanks to God.

Thank You for every breath.
Thank You for my heart pumping blood and oxygen through my body.
Thank You for strong enough muscles.
Thank You for arms and legs working in tandem.
Thank You for energy, desire, and drive.
Thank You for Your help.
All these processes are truly miraculous!

Whether your goal for physical activity today is going to the gym or using your walker to go down the hall and back with your oxygen bag hanging off your shoulder -

thank God you can do it.

So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Live in a spirit of thanks. And praise. In this life now and the life to come.