Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Recipe for success

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. (Psalm 20:7)

I like to know what's next. My day. My week. Or a big event up ahead. Like cooking from a recipe, I like to have things prepared before diving in. I like to know just what to do. And I like to know what comes after that. Yes, it's a control issue. But when it works, I think it gives me a sense of peace. Well, sort of. Because I still find myself worrying that my anticipations might not be accurate. So I should probably think up a plan "B". Just in case.

But, the unexpected does happen. Suddenly, and without warning. Catching me off guard. Gulp! Unprepared! Thoughts race. Do I know what to do? Can I think clearly? Can I even breathe? Panic - setting in. What AM I going to do? I wasn't ready for this! I can't trust my own abilities on such short notice ...

So ...

I toss a prayer up to heaven. A wordless cry really. And God hears me. God is already present. Already guiding me. Helping me. Presiding over. Leading me straight through. Because God is good. He never slumbers nor sleeps. Always aware. Always ready.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Trust in the Lord.
That's my plan for success.

Monday, November 27, 2017

No place like ...

© 2016 Julie Crane All rights reserved
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? (Psalm 139:7)

We just got back from a week in Vermont for the Thanksgiving holiday. We traveled through Canada because it is shorter. Oh, Canada! With your kilometers for miles and liters instead of gallons! Unfamiliar roads; foreign road signs in heavy traffic ... what joy to see our Pure Michigan sign when we crossed over heading home!

Home. From vacation. Or school. Or work. Long day of shopping and running errands. And then home. To flannel pajama bottoms. Putting your feet up. Relaxing. Unwinding. Shaking off the burdens of the day. Not doing one more thing. What a joy to see my favorite chair, my kitties, and my favorite blanket waiting for me! The stresses of the day all but forgotten. Can't you just picture it? There's no place like ...

There are two directions I want to go with these thoughts. The first is that going to Jesus is kind of like going home. There is peace and rest in Jesus. You can come as you are with Jesus. You can let go of the stresses of the day with Jesus. Curl up in your favorite chair with Jesus. Can't you imagine it? There's no place like ...

Another thought I had with this, is NOT waiting to get back to your familiar physical home but turning your thoughts to Jesus at anytime. Whether you are caught up in heavy traffic at night on Friday at 5:00pm near Toronto (I certainly prayed then!), or in the midst of something at work or school, or the hustle and bustle of running errands - you can curl up into the arms of Jesus anytime and receive that peace that is like coming home.

I didn't stop my usual morning prayer time just because I was away from home. Because God was certainly there with me on vacation! What a comfort to sit with Him even while away.

If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
    if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
    if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
    your right hand will hold me fast. (Psalm 139:8-10)

Wherever YOU are, the Lord is with you. And there's no place like ...

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Savior and more

She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)

I was thumbing through a children's bible, looking for a story to read in Sunday School. Here is what I came across:
Cain and Abel - Abel was killed
Noah - people of the world were killed
Joseph - brothers wanted him killed
Moses - Pharoah killed all the baby boys
The Red Sea - Egyptian armies killed
David - Goliath killed
Esther - Jews to be killed
and ultimately - Jesus - killed

You can imagine my dismay if I had to teach these stories one right after another! I used to think violent video games played a role in filling our children's head with such trauma. Or that news coverage of violence played a part. It never dawned on me that bible stories would be a contributing factor as well. (And hasn't it also been said that nursery rhymes of old have hints of trauma and terror? I think of the big bad wolf and Hansel and Gretel.)

But thankfully, God does not leave us hanging - then or now. As you continue to read to the end of each story, you will see God had a plan. God's goodness shines through. God always steps in. God still does. He still has plans and purpose. Old testament people probably didn't see or understand in the moment - much like us today. But the Lord is present and sovereign and good beyond our imagination. He has a plan still.  And His ultimate plan of rescue? Jesus, the risen Lord. Savior, Redeemer and more.

My thoughts are still in a quandary about talking about killing - past, present, and future - with our young children. But as anyone who has every attended Sunday School knows, no matter what, the answer is always JESUS!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Passing the peace

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

I chose this wheelbarrow of pumpkins because, well, sometimes our quiet prayer time turns into a whole lot of burdens being unloaded - onto the "God Who hears".

That's what I was thinking this morning. After a while I started feeling guilty. Should I really spend all this time in "asking mode"? I tried to think. Praise. Check. Thanks. Check. Asking. Double check. Yielding. Well, yes.

One by one, little worries and concerns crept into my mind. And I would pray. I would pray until I felt some resolution (mostly the yielding part - where I surrender all hope to God). That yielding, that surrender led to a comforting restfulness of spirit. Because I know I can have certain hope in God. I don't know what He will do, but I know He's on it! He's handling it. He's caring about it.

I forced myself to sit a little longer, past when I thought I was "done". A couple little tiny bothers popped up. I prayed. And you know, I felt emptied of the days worries and problems - BUT FILLED WITH THE PEACE OF CHRIST. I came with a wheelbarrow full of problems and left with a wheelbarrow full of peace and joy in the Lord.

Passing the peace. Many people do that at church or a gathering. A quick hug and a whispered "the peace of Christ be with you". Research showed me that it also means reconciliation between the two. Not holding anything against the other. Free to be at peace. When we trust in the Lord with our burdens, great and small, there is an exchange that also takes place. That there may be peace.

Trust in the Lord.
Take your every worry to Him.
Trade your sorrows ...
For the joy of the Lord.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)

Monday, November 6, 2017

The best part of waking up ...

In the same way, he took the cup of wine after supper, saying, “This cup is the new agreement between God and you that has been established and set in motion by my blood. Do this in remembrance of me whenever you drink it.” (1 Corinthians 11:25 TLB)

There was no orange juice left yesterday morning. So I looked around and found some grape juice we must have purchased for use in home communion or something. I poured a glass of that instead. And as I lifted the glass to my mouth, a most profound sense of JESUS overwhelmed me. It must have been the smell of the grape juice (which is what we use in church on communion Sundays). I smelled it again and again - Jesus, Jesus, filling my whole being. I can't explain the power of that moment.

And how "surprising" that that same morning, we had holy communion at church. Without thinking, I lifted the cup and once again that smell captured my every thought with JESUS. Even more tangible than before! Jesus, precious Jesus! I can't stop saying His name! What a beautiful moment for me. One I want to experience again and again. I want to remember Him again and again.

In the morning when I rise, give me grape juice! Give me Jesus!