Monday, April 24, 2017

The Bold and the Beautiful

See! The winter is past;
    the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
    the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
    is heard in our land.

-          Song of Songs 2:11-12

It’s finally springtime here! How we enjoy the yellow sun, the yellow flowers after all the gray days.

 A single yellow daffodil, all by itself is enough to brighten the day! But a whole bunch? How pretty!

 As wonderful as “yellow” feels right now, on its own, its … well, nice. But add some green grass in behind it and it really “pops”! The contrast makes the yellow stunning. A bunch of yellow daffodils – a yard of green blades of grass. Nicer than nice!

 But who is that standing so bold and beautiful in the front? Not green. Not yellow. But tall and – RED! Why that tulip is pretty too!

 And I say, “Dare to be, beautiful!”

 The red tulip is beautiful even though it is different than the rest.

The grouping of all the same type of daffodil – beautiful as well.

The green grass, even the brown rock, are all playing an orchestrated part of the landscape of the beauty at God’s hand.

 And how are you today? Whether you’re up bright and bold red hot, or full of sunny hope and a confident smile, or mixing in with the green regulars - or even having one of those brown rock days – in God’s landscape you are playing a beautiful role. You are of value. You have a purpose. You are included. You are a part of God’s grand scheme.

 And I say, “Dare to be … beautiful right where you are!”

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