Monday, October 24, 2016

The Love of Gifting

© 2016 Julie Crane All rights reserved.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Part of the fun when going on vacation is thinking of loved ones back home and picking out trinket souvenirs for - the kids, the cat sitter, that special friend. What joy to bring a small token of love to them. It says, “I think of you often.”

And recently I spent the day with someone recovering from surgery, and brought all the fixin’s to make a pot full of yummy soup. What a blessing to give in this way. It says, “I love you.”

A care package to a college student or a soldier – all the goodies you can dream up all boxed up. “I care about you.”

A housewarming gift to those first-time home buyers too.

And let’s not forget the season of giving that is right around the corner – oh, how I love looking for that perfect gift for the people on my list (and can’t wait to deliver each gift and see the joy in the receiving!)

I think about all these special times of giving – the delight and joy I experience. And I wonder … Do I experience the same when I bring my tithe and offering to the Lord’s sanctuary on Sunday morning? Is there any awe in receiving so much from God and the ability to give a portion for His purpose? Or does it feel like I’m paying a bill?

I remember years ago when I first started sponsoring a child in Uganda. Every month I had to make a conscience effort to write the check (its automatic withdrawal now days) and I consciously paused to think about this child, this human being with thoughts and hopes and dreams, and realize I was truly helping improve his quality of life. And if I didn’t give, the quality would somehow diminish. It was a joy to give and know I was making a difference.

Bring your gift of tithes and offerings to the Lord with pure joy. Yes, some of it is keeping the doors of your beloved church open. That IS a blessing to many. But some of it is helping strangers near and far. Some of it IS spreading the knowledge of Christ and His love. But make no mistake, lives are being changed. 

Oh, what joy that thought brings! For both you and God alike.

Monday, October 17, 2016

How did I get way over there?

© 2016 Julie Crane All rights reserved.
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21)

I am directionally challenged. I can get lost at the drop of a hat. And I don’t have GPS yet either. I do print up a set of directions to get me where I need to go. Or so I think. Or so I plan. But there’s an accident or some detour or some distraction and before you know it, I’m way over there – nowhere near where I wanted to be.

I am determined to find my way back though. Convinced I can get back on track on my own. I back track my thoughts, choices and decisions. But being directionally challenged, I am blind to the obvious … and I need to stop and ask for directions or who knows how long I will waste time wandering. I stop and ask because I am determined to get back on the right road. The original plan. I won’t give up simply because I think I’ve already made too many wrong turns, or how lost I may feel – I can get help and return to the right road and be on my merry way.

This all reminds me of getting up every morning and planning to make good choices for the day ahead. Through morning prayer time, I am convinced I can stick to diet and exercise. Get work around the house done. Make progress on a difficult knitting pattern. But before noon I am thinking about the leftover cake. And I don’t feel like knitting only to have to pull it all out again. And I think “something” hurts and so I better put off exercise for another day. All these thoughts detouring and derailing the hope I had earlier for a great day. Time to stop. It’s not noon yet. I can regroup, recalculate, re-commit to the good plans I had. I can stop and ask Jesus. He has promised in His word that I will recognize His voice (John 10:4). And if I find myself veering off to the left or right again later in the day, guess what? I’m going to stop and ask Jesus for directions again.

Lost can happen … time and again. But with Jesus, we can always return and be on our merry way. Never too many wrong turns. Never too lost. Jesus is the way any time of day.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Unshakable peace

I’ve told you all this so that trusting Me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” - John 16:33

In this world you will have trouble …

That’s a fact, Jack!

From the minor problems you may be facing today, to the more challenging of days gone by, there doesn’t seem to be an end to difficulties and troubles. I see so many people posting on social media asking God to completely remove every uncomfortable thing. But the Bible says, “in this world you will have trouble …” He has warned us ahead of time. It will surely be this way …

Great. So I guess we can’t escape it. Troubles are here to stay. Now what?

Now is when you trust in Jesus. You throw your whole self into Him. I like those words – unshakable and assured. Take heart – now. Remind yourself of all the amazing attributes of Jesus’ character and you can’t help but feel safer whether your problems disappear or not. You have great Jesus all the time. And Jesus sees us through. Troubles will come. And because of Jesus, troubles will be endured. And you are promised in the verse above, trusting in Him will result in a deep peace. Turn your eyes upon Jesus and be rest assured that He will carry you through. He is declared victorious over all things. The Bible tells us so.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Don't let one bad apple ...

Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
    wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
 Let me hear joy and gladness;
    let the bones you have crushed rejoice.
 Hide your face from my sins
    and blot out all my iniquity. (Psalm 51:7-9)

When my son was very young, he would sometimes ask me, "Mom, am I more gooder than bad?" Out of the mouths of babes ... He was probably in trouble or feeling some guilt over a poor choice. But the message is clear and rings true for all us even today.

I can be having a perfectly wonderful, blessed day - until someone cuts me off on the road, or someone makes a despairing remark. Or it could be days of healthy eating and today a poor snack choice and I think I ruined my diet. Let one thing, great or small, happen - and I somehow allow it to define my whole day.

I have, in fact, started tracking / logging / writing down not only what is going right to me (being blessed) but what I am doing right to others (being a blessing). I am trying to change my focus. At days end, the list is long and I smile. I DID make a lot of good choices. Overall, I have to say I am a good person and my life is good.

It's important, so important, to not let one or two glitches define something as ruined. Whether its a diet, a craft project, the slip of an unkind word, or trying to collaborate on a group event - take a real look at all that is going right. Focus and support and turn your energies toward that.

I pray you will see it as "more gooder than bad".
And may God bless.