Monday, June 20, 2016

Where's the joy?

The Lord be exalted, Who delights in the well-being of His servant. (Psalm 35:27)



I want more pleasure out of life; out of life’s daily things. A grateful heart and more joy-filled pleasure out of simple daily things. Silly, happy, grateful joy over my husband’s goofy side, the beauty of the earth now that it’s summer, all the people around me who are concerned and love me, my pretty kitties, fresh fruit and vegetables season, for a cancer journey that wasn’t as bad as it could have been …


What is keeping me from blogging about You, Lord? What is this stumbling block and how do I get past it? There are things to do every day: but housework does not bring me joy. I need to fix my attitude about that. I need to feel good about a clean and orderly house. Drawing should bring me smiles and playful joy. But instead I fear failure and feel it lacks any stupendous, grandiose value. But I know my cards, however few, do bring joy and a smile to others. So what if I don’t sell zillions. Is a handful of hope good enough? Are my feeble attempts good enough? How about joy in reading or knitting or cooking or taking a walk outside? Can any joy be gained in the journey, in the process, in the moment – without there being some fabulous outcome or goal? Can just looking, seeing, being – be enough? Is doing something without a service oriented ending a waste of time? Is God more pleased with a life of service? Is He as pleased if we take joy in whatever we do, whether work or rest or play? Would I be more open to His calling if I took joy in every little thing? If I continually set my own agenda for what is acceptable living and service, do I limit what God can do through me? Is it time to stop demanding certain outcomes of myself and just enjoy with grateful heart whatever comes? Have I been more focused on the doing of the second greatest commandment and forgotten to love the Lord first and foremost?


So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)

 Yes, the Lord cares about our well-being. Thank You, God.



  1. Such a good reminder Julie, to take joy in the little things in life. Thanks! love you
