Seems like I’ve read and heard enough
renditions of Noah’s Ark to last me a lifetime. It’s a pretty basic bible
story. Noah builds an ark, loads it up with animals, and they all float
peaceably together until the waters recede.
But how in the world did he get all the
lumber and pitch living in the desert? If everybody thought he was nuts, was it
just him and his family doing all the gathering and building? That humungous
boat! And all the animals and birds! And food for all of them. With only a pair
of each kind, I guess they all had to be vegans! How do you preserve plant food
for that many for that long? And how do you keep the peace? So many unanswered
questions. I can’t imagine it. I can’t fathom …
Finding it hard to believe without more
details, more proof?
God doesn’t leave us hanging in wonder. No.
In two or three different places during this flood account it says, “God led
the animals to the ark.” Or “God led the animals to Noah.” Noah didn’t have to
play cowboy and round up all these animals. Through His word we can know that
God took care of it. And if we know He took care of that, we can be assured –
because we know God’s character – that even without blow by blow details, God
takes care of all things. He has every moment, every step, the whole big
picture in His hands.
How about you? Are you wondering how God is
going to “fix this” or “change that” or bring to completion what He started?
Has He done anything for you before? Maybe a time or two? Can He be trusted
with the details? Dare you to release your hold and be confident of what He
will surely do?
Be still
and know that I am God … (Psalm 46:10)
Lord of heaven and earth.
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