Thursday, June 30, 2016

My hour of need

She went on her way and wandered the desert (Genesis 21:14)

In Genesis 21, Abraham sends Hagar and her son, Ishmael off into the desert with the weight of food and water on her shoulders. (If you’re not familiar with the story, do a quick read of Genesis 21: 8-20) A small amount of the bare essentials; the weight upon her shoulders so much more. Not near enough to sustain for any length of time. Seemingly unprepared for a future in the desert. But there she goes. Has to go. Into the desert. Knowing there’s not enough to support life for her and her son.

Ever find yourself going headlong into a desert / trial and not fully prepared? Taking a journey you have to take?

And as she sat there nearby, she began to sob. (v. 16)

Then there is the sobbing. Not whining, complaining. Not whimpering, sniffles. SOBBING! All is lost hiccupping, howling. The end of the rope. The end of all options. The end of all hope.

Ever find yourself in a place where all possible ideas for relief have been tried; exhausted? You’re at your wits end. The brainstorming pool has dried up. It is obviously the end.

Do not be afraid. God has heard … (v.17)

God has heard! Once again these words of comfort, hope and promise: Do not be afraid. Get up. God says He has plans for your future.

Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water (v. 19).

When all seems lost, when human capability has been drained, God steps in. I guess so you know it’s God Who is your Sustainer and not your own doing. God opens her eyes when it got the darkest and shows her where the life-giving water is.

So she went and filled her skin (v.19).

From deep mourning to gladness – all because she was led to water. So refreshing, renewing, this life-giving water. She filled until she could hold no more.

Jesus is your living water. Whether you’ve just been set out on a desert journey, or you’ve been wandering for a while, or you’ve exhausted all resources and find yourself sobbing, God says to you and to me: Do not be afraid. I have heard your cries. Open your eyes and see the Living Water I offer.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Growing in Comfort and Ease

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence … (Hebrews 4:16)

We rescued two cats from the shelter a couple years ago. One of them had been left alone a lot in her previous home, so she hid under the couch and behind the bed all the time when we first got her. Of course we worried. We wanted to love her and feed her and let her know she was safe with us.

Do your fears sometimes keep you from spending time with God?

Eventually she dared to come out in the open. She was cautious and she wasn’t crazy about being picked up; didn’t want to be held.

Are you sometimes cautious about how you allow God to approach you and what you allow Him to do with your life?

After some time, she now feels safer and more secure and moves more freely about the house. On occasion, she even jumps into my lap for a back rub. Buts it’s on her terms.

Do you also need to be in control of when and how you meet with God?

And now she’s grown to the point of letting us pick her up and hold her.

Are you comfortable living in front of God? Are you able to enjoy His presence – get up in His lap?

We didn’t get to the comfort and ease part with her right away. We had to keep connecting with her, seeking her out. A safe and comfortable – approachable - relationship developed with constant nurturing.

Are you growing into a confident relationship with Christ?

The peace of the Lord be with you all …

Monday, June 20, 2016

Where's the joy?

The Lord be exalted, Who delights in the well-being of His servant. (Psalm 35:27)



I want more pleasure out of life; out of life’s daily things. A grateful heart and more joy-filled pleasure out of simple daily things. Silly, happy, grateful joy over my husband’s goofy side, the beauty of the earth now that it’s summer, all the people around me who are concerned and love me, my pretty kitties, fresh fruit and vegetables season, for a cancer journey that wasn’t as bad as it could have been …


What is keeping me from blogging about You, Lord? What is this stumbling block and how do I get past it? There are things to do every day: but housework does not bring me joy. I need to fix my attitude about that. I need to feel good about a clean and orderly house. Drawing should bring me smiles and playful joy. But instead I fear failure and feel it lacks any stupendous, grandiose value. But I know my cards, however few, do bring joy and a smile to others. So what if I don’t sell zillions. Is a handful of hope good enough? Are my feeble attempts good enough? How about joy in reading or knitting or cooking or taking a walk outside? Can any joy be gained in the journey, in the process, in the moment – without there being some fabulous outcome or goal? Can just looking, seeing, being – be enough? Is doing something without a service oriented ending a waste of time? Is God more pleased with a life of service? Is He as pleased if we take joy in whatever we do, whether work or rest or play? Would I be more open to His calling if I took joy in every little thing? If I continually set my own agenda for what is acceptable living and service, do I limit what God can do through me? Is it time to stop demanding certain outcomes of myself and just enjoy with grateful heart whatever comes? Have I been more focused on the doing of the second greatest commandment and forgotten to love the Lord first and foremost?


So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)

 Yes, the Lord cares about our well-being. Thank You, God.


Saturday, June 11, 2016

Micro Managing

Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)

Seems like I’ve read and heard enough renditions of Noah’s Ark to last me a lifetime. It’s a pretty basic bible story. Noah builds an ark, loads it up with animals, and they all float peaceably together until the waters recede.

But how in the world did he get all the lumber and pitch living in the desert? If everybody thought he was nuts, was it just him and his family doing all the gathering and building? That humungous boat! And all the animals and birds! And food for all of them. With only a pair of each kind, I guess they all had to be vegans! How do you preserve plant food for that many for that long? And how do you keep the peace? So many unanswered questions. I can’t imagine it. I can’t fathom …

Finding it hard to believe without more details, more proof?

God doesn’t leave us hanging in wonder. No. In two or three different places during this flood account it says, “God led the animals to the ark.” Or “God led the animals to Noah.” Noah didn’t have to play cowboy and round up all these animals. Through His word we can know that God took care of it. And if we know He took care of that, we can be assured – because we know God’s character – that even without blow by blow details, God takes care of all things. He has every moment, every step, the whole big picture in His hands.

How about you? Are you wondering how God is going to “fix this” or “change that” or bring to completion what He started? Has He done anything for you before? Maybe a time or two? Can He be trusted with the details? Dare you to release your hold and be confident of what He will surely do?

Be still and know that I am God … (Psalm 46:10)

Lord of heaven and earth.



Wednesday, June 8, 2016


When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. (Genesis 3:6)

On this one certain day, instead of enjoying all the other wonderful foods available to her, she started entertaining thoughts of the one thing she shouldn’t have. She discussed, lingered, visualized, relished, toyed with the idea – spent time savoring what could be – despite the warning, the command. And temptation was aroused to the point of no return.

We have all experienced days just like hers. Going along where everything is fine and then someone brings a whole tray of frosted brownies into the office; someone insists you join them for just “one drink”. Fattening food ads promise hot and fast delivery … and the infamous ultimate of temptations – “you can start again tomorrow”.

But for Eve there was no tomorrow. In the blink of an eye the peace-filled, intimate relationship she had with the Lord God was gone.

They realized they were naked, and were afraid, and hid. (v.10)

In – sin – u - ate

Have you been indulging in tempting habits that hinder your relationship with the Lord? Do you try to hide, deny, excuse?

Adam and Eve experienced consequences but they also experienced God’s grace. He sewed animal skins together and clothed them. But He also gave them work to do – so they wouldn’t have time to look through the bakery shop window! Remember all the good things God has at your fingertips to enjoy.

Receive God’s grace. And move along.



Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Joy in Abundance

Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. (Genesis 1:29)


Ah, asparagus! Fresh from the farmer’s market. What a glorious time of year! Soon there will be cucumbers, strawberries, sweet corn and green beans – all from God’s good earth. Yes, a tasty time of year. These fruits and vegetables are extra special because they are only available - this straight from the farm fresh - only during a certain season of the year.


The opening scripture says God gives all this to us. Gives us – for our pleasure and enjoyment. What an awesome God we have!


Who remembers going out to the garden with a salt shaker and picking a tomato right off the vine? There’s just nothing like that first juicy bite!


Or picking blueberries from a bush in the summer sun and eating more than you put in your bucket? Purple lips and fingertips!


What simple pleasures! What pure joy! Planned and designed as gifts to us long ago – recorded in the book of Genesis. God made plans to give you abundant joy.


I encourage you to wander your local farmer’s market. Carry a basket and truly enjoy God’s loving gifts of fresh air, blue skies, warmth from the sun, a cool breeze and all the sights and tastes and smells from all the Lord God has made. His gift to you!


Sunday, June 5, 2016

What blessings?

 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.    (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)


I had a nice talk with my aunt on the phone yesterday. She is 100 years old! But her voice is just as clear as strong as can be. She is recovering from bronchitis and a kidney infection. Ugh! Can you imagine! But she seemed to be in good spirits.


She was telling me about a day when she was thinking of all the things she couldn’t do anymore. I guess when you’re 100, there’s something every day that you realize you can’t do. But she didn’t let it get her down. No! She decided to make a list of all the things she still could do. Then she could refer to that list from time to time when thoughts of her limitations got her down.


I like that idea. For one, going through this cancer thing has left me tired, or itchy, or always something. And it can be real easy to focus on all the things I’ve let fall behind because of these side effects. It’s one thing to count your blessings, it’s another to focus on them. She impressed “her children” - me. We talked about them. I want to write them down.


You don’t have to be suffering from old age or a disease to get caught up in negative thoughts. Family, church, committees – group projects … all give us opportunity to focus on the positive or the negative.


Maybe because of the cancer scare, I am more willing now to let smaller issues slide. Maybe I’m ready to let go and not turn molehills into mountainous problems.  Maybe being quiet and riding it out, for an hour or a night is the more gracious way to live. Maybe it shouldn’t take a cancer scare to make us live like that.


So count your blessings and don’t give the devil a foothold by focusing on the negative with grumbling and complaining. Count your blessings – write them down, share them with your loved ones. Let them be what’s guiding your heart.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Blessed Assurance

For no word from God will ever fail. (Luke 1:37)

Do you have a favorite bible verse? I have a new favorite one that brings strength to my faith in God. Peace and assurance too.  It’s actually a phrase that is repeated several times in Genesis 1. It starts off : And God said. The end of the passage says: And it was so. Those two little phrases are repeated six times – every day of creation.  God speaks words and it truly happens.

Now God says other things. In fact, we know in 2 Timothy 3:16 that all scripture is God-breathed. God breathed … God said.  So can I take the liberty of framing some of His other words with these two little phrases? Watch what happens.

And God said,

As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Joshua 1:5)

And it was so.

And God said,

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name, you are Mine. (Isaiah 43:1)

And it was so.

And God said,

When Jesus saw their faith, He said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven. (Luke 5:20)

And it was so.

And God said,

(You) can do everything through Him Who gives (you) strength. (Philippians 4:13)

And it was so.

See what I mean? Plug in one of your favorite scripture verses. Are you awash with peace and assurance?

The word God speaks – truly happens!