Friday, January 8, 2016

Today's to-do list: Just one thing

Today’s to-do list: Just one thing
But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. (Luke 10:41-42)
This verse has been cropping up in my mind time after time, again and again. Whenever I start to worry over the details of something, this reminder comes: only one thing is needed. And we know what (or should I say Who) that is. The answer is always Jesus.
In more than one of my readings lately as well, comes this notion of purpose: to bring glory to God. Our reason for being. The one thing.
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
The eating and drinking I understand. Thank You, thank You, God for Your provision. But the whatever. Just how far does whatever go? How inclusive? Bible reading, taking a nature walk, sending a note of encouragement. Sure. But what about feet up and reading a good book, taking a bubble bath, rocking and petting my cat? Maybe I better research what this glory word means before I can understand how to give it to God.
Glory – high renown or honor won by notable achievements; praise, worship, and thanksgiving offered to a deity
Honor – high respect; esteem; regard with great respect; esteem, respect, admire, defer to, look up to, appreciate, value, cherish, adore, reverence, revere, venerate, worship, put on a pedestal
Okay. So now I have some basis of understanding on what brings glory to God. Every good and perfect thing is from God above (James 1:17). So it stands to reason that whenever I turn my face upwards and give thanks, appreciation, or express joy in God-gifts, I am glorifying the God.
I will be pursuing this glory to God thing. For now, glorify the Lord with me today. Whatever you do.

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