Wednesday, January 13, 2016

With love, Jesus


And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus … (Colossians 3:17)


Several years ago, when I was a foster mom, I got called in to see one daughter’s teacher. When I got there, she handed me a note, handwritten by this daughter. It read: Please excuse my daughter from gym class this week. She doesn’t feel good. Love, Mrs. Wenzel.


Well, we got a pretty good laugh out of that! I imagine she saw “love” written in birthday cards, etc. and just figured that’s how you always sign off correspondence. She wanted it to look like it was from Mrs. Wenzel and not herself. She wanted to be looked upon as someone else.


This memory came back to me as I read my bible this morning Read the above passage again. Ignore the fact for the moment that she did it to manipulate, deceive and to gain something she wanted. Ponder instead God’s calling us to, in word and deed, be like Jesus instead of ourselves. Your words and actions should be of a nature that you can comfortably sign Jesus’ name to it.


The verses prior to this one talk of gentleness, kindness, patience and love for one another. Can your behavior today be signed with love? Jesus love? I pray it is so.










Monday, January 11, 2016

Finding Comfy - Cozy

Serve the Lord with gladness (Psalm 100:2)


There certainly are times when I am “happy to do it” – helping someone out. When I am able and when I have the time. Because it’s comfortable. It’s easily within my ability without too much trouble to do it, and it’s of benefit to another. Right up God’s alley of do unto others, right? And God loves a cheerful giver!


But what about those times I feel called or led to do something – gulp! – uncomfortable? Like speak in public, or something that involves leadership. Or being nice to someone not very nice back? Then what? Serve the Lord with gladness. Maybe you are one who doesn’t sense any specific calling from God. But doesn’t God’s Word say, “love your neighbor”. And also says, “love your enemies” (Matthew 5:43-44). The comfortable and uncomfortable. We are called to do.


We need to look back to the why we do things. If our single purpose is to glorify the Lord and it would make Him happy and well pleased to see us loving neighbor and enemy despite our human feelings at the moment … if we can commit our thinking to glorifying the Lord by doing “it”, then we should be able to serve the Lord with gladness. Because it will certainly make me happy to think I did something the Lord is pleased with. And if I have to strain to do it, all the more glory to Him because I had to rely on Him to get it done. Comfortable in moving forward because I trust in the Lord.


Ah- ha! My previous blog post talked about trusting in God as a way of glorifying Him (Jan 9). Are we back to that?


Trust in the Lord and not on your own understanding (or feelings) (Proverbs 3:5-6). Be confident in His provision of wisdom, strength and love this day. And be thankful – and lighthearted – and glad – because this is so. God said.










Saturday, January 9, 2016

He's got the whole world in His hands

Friday, January 8, 2016

Today's to-do list: Just one thing

Today’s to-do list: Just one thing
But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. (Luke 10:41-42)
This verse has been cropping up in my mind time after time, again and again. Whenever I start to worry over the details of something, this reminder comes: only one thing is needed. And we know what (or should I say Who) that is. The answer is always Jesus.
In more than one of my readings lately as well, comes this notion of purpose: to bring glory to God. Our reason for being. The one thing.
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
The eating and drinking I understand. Thank You, thank You, God for Your provision. But the whatever. Just how far does whatever go? How inclusive? Bible reading, taking a nature walk, sending a note of encouragement. Sure. But what about feet up and reading a good book, taking a bubble bath, rocking and petting my cat? Maybe I better research what this glory word means before I can understand how to give it to God.
Glory – high renown or honor won by notable achievements; praise, worship, and thanksgiving offered to a deity
Honor – high respect; esteem; regard with great respect; esteem, respect, admire, defer to, look up to, appreciate, value, cherish, adore, reverence, revere, venerate, worship, put on a pedestal
Okay. So now I have some basis of understanding on what brings glory to God. Every good and perfect thing is from God above (James 1:17). So it stands to reason that whenever I turn my face upwards and give thanks, appreciation, or express joy in God-gifts, I am glorifying the God.
I will be pursuing this glory to God thing. For now, glorify the Lord with me today. Whatever you do.