Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Prayers for our marriages

 I was going through my facebook newsfeed this morning and stumbled across someone’s “like” of a famous pastor’s status. It was in reference to marriage and those falling apart. I read through many of the responses. An overwhelming number who have given up on their marriage; an overwhelming number pleading for prayer for their marriage; those whose hope is completely lost and acceptance of what appears to be heading towards a new norm; and a couple with stories of miraculous restoration. People I don’t know… and I wonder, how many more are out there, trying to keep a lid on their pain… who need our prayers. No cutesy story from me today. Just a plea to pray with me for this unknown number of marriages that need God in a powerful way. Please join me in prayer:


·        That no power, circumstance, difficulty, or other people will separate what God has joined together

·        That we will all find a way to communicate honestly and lovingly no matter what the topic may be

·        May gentleness and kindness and words of appreciation and encouragement be a part of our every day communications with our spouse

·        May we truly know physical satisfaction with deep, rich intimacy from our spouse and our spouse alone

·        May we be so intensely committed and bound together that no emotional, mental, financial, relational, physical, spiritual strife can not be shared and carried together

·        May our love for each other be an outpouring result of our strong and ever-increasing bond with You, dear Lord

·        Keep us in Your truth and in Your Word that we might know the right way to go every day

·        Show us the way to unity of mind when it comes to tough topics like finances and parenting

·        Grant us commitment to You and to our spouses today… just for today… each day, one day at a time

·        Help us all to see the beauty in the relationship; beauty for ashes

·        Help us to believe that it is not too late when God is invited in to be involved

For those of you in this scary situation right now, to whatever degree, please turn your face to the Lord and believe He is greater and stronger than anything you are facing today. And know there are people praying… Amen.



  1. I'm working on a book right now entitle 51 Keys for Marital Success. Praying it will help with restoring and strengthening marriages.

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM EDT

    Thanks Julie, Satan is attacking marriages at every turn. I love your post, and am joining you in praying for marriages. Vickie

  3. Praises to God for all those behind-the-scenes folk working against Satan's wily ways... - though the wrong seems oft so strong HE is the Ruler yet :)
