Sunday, August 25, 2024

Unchangeable (reprint from 2017)


Whether it is favorable or unfavorable, we will obey the Lord our God … (Jeremiah 42:6)

I was curious. So I went back and looked at the first real post on my blog. It was about sending and receiving cards in the mail and my mom calling it “good mail”. (October 9, 2012)

Times sure have changed! The world and all its fast-paced technology …

 But I haven’t changed. The world hasn’t moved me from my Godly calling. Sending cards.

 I know they are appreciated (because people stop and tell me so)

I know they are treasured (because people tell me they save them)

I know they are of God (because people tell me “it was the perfect verse” and “just what I needed to hear that day”)

 Snail mail is becoming a thing of the past. There aren’t many who join me in sending notes to others who need to hear a good word from the Lord – hold it in their hands – press it to their heart…

 But I can’t stop following where the Lord leads me … whatever the world thinks of the latest, quickest technology for communicating – I will keep sending out the Word of God and His love to the ones I know need encouragement. In a card.

 Are you battling with your God-calling and the world?

Whether it is favorable or unfavorable, we will obey the Lord our God … (Jeremiah 42:6)

Can you hear me… now? (reprint from 2018)

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)

Every parent knows that newborn's cry in the middle of the night. You can be sound asleep, right? But somehow (probably through several nights of practice!) your ears are keenly aware and attuned to the sounds your little one makes.

The sound of someone's voice can sure warm your heart. I remember calling home from boot camp the first time. When I heard my mom's voice answer the phone, all I did was cry. But, throughout my navy days, we stayed in constant touch - calling each other weekly. And instead of tears, her voice brought warmth and love, encouragement, peace, security ... all kinds of good things. Even though we lived miles and miles apart. A regular dose of love on a regular basis. Talking - comfortably picking up right where we left off.

Sadly, my mom has been gone about 15 years now. Sadly, I can't remember the sound of her voice. Oh, I have lots of good visual memories. And I can still picture her face when she laughed. And I suppose some of her most famous sayings come to mind from time to time (like, "Don't wish your life away") But I sure miss the constant connection we shared... (and its benefits to me).

And it brings to mind - when was the last time you connected with a loved One (Jesus)? Is it happening on a regular basis (bringing love, encouragement, peace and security) or has time been passing by and talking has become - uncomfortable, unsure...

Can you imagine Jesus' face smiling?
Can you recall some of His famous sayings?
Can you still hear His voice?
Are you missing the dear connection you once enjoyed?
... with that Someone you love?

Surely I am with you ...

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Keep going!


My pastor spoke this past Sunday about spiritual growth and continuing to grow not just in head knowledge but also heart knowledge. The importance of continuing to challenge yourself just a little bit and then a little bit more. Always growing, learning, and maturing in faith and understanding. And that is so important. When we first become believers, we learn that God loves us and forgives us. And in growing our knowledge of Him through His Word, in worship, and sharing of our stories with other believers - we also learn that He is kind and helpful. But what if we stopped our knowing and growing there? We might not realize He is faithful, gentle, compassionate. We might not experience His power and omnipresence. His new mercies every morning. His amazing grace. And so much more!

Our trust in Him grows through continuous learning and experiencing.

But a thought crossed my mind. Just as our physical body can lose strength and flexibility from not being used regularly, so can our spiritual “muscles”. Not making time to read God’s Word anymore, not praying as much anymore, not gathering with other believers on a regular basis… you can’t retain a level of faith without consistent care and maintenance. It just doesn’t work that way. Reliable faith works best when it is used often.

Oh, how some of us remember the days when we could walk for miles while shopping or touring the sights on vacation. And now we groan going up a flight of stairs. Although the aging process will eventually catch up with us physically, our spirit can continue to grow in the loving likeness of Christ all our earthly days.

For physical training is of some value, but godliness (spiritual training) is of value in everything and in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and for the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:8 AMP)

Hebrews 10:25 says to not give up. Keep loving. Keep encouraging. Keep sharing your experiences of God in your life. Don’t let an opportunity to be strong in the Lord or to influence others for Christ find you unprepared. 

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. (Act 2:46-47)

Every day.


Before desperation hits in a time of great need. Exercising your spiritual muscle will have you ready for every kind of test and challenge. You will have a confidence and a trust built right in to your character by staying the course of walking continually with the Lord and seeking to know Him more and more.

Have you drifted? Let things slide a little? You can pick it back up. Challenge yourself a little bit and then a little bit more. How wonderful it will be to once again live in the assurance and confidence of knowing and remembering the living Lord and all that He is for you.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

15 new fall card designs!

 What a great variety to choose from! 

Already have had responses like: 

Click on the link below for ordering instructions 
and to revisit some old favorites

New list of suggested messages for fall -
included with every order

(Note: I will be out of town on a retreat August 19-21.
If you submit an order on those days,
I will fill it upon my return)

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A day without coffee?!!

 I love my coffee every morning. Especially that first sip, right? I started my day this very morning, before the dawn as I often do, sitting in the darkness of my screened-in porch. Sipping. Reflecting. Enjoying the stillness with the Lord before the day began.

Many of us “HAVE TO” start our day with coffee (or tea). Sometimes with our bible in front of us. Sometimes in a to-go cup. But either way, it’s become kind of a must.

But there are people out there, I am sure, who’s grocery budget could not cover the luxury of coffee this week…

So I’m going to start buying coffee and tea every week and put them in the local food bank. May it in some small way, set the world right, get someone’s day off on the right foot, be the pause and the “thank You, God” first thing for them.

I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was Me - you did it to Me. (Matthew 25:40 MSG)

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Human Prayer


Many of us are well acquainted with the verse from John 16:33:  “In this world you will have troubles…” And we inwardly cringe because it’s so hard when life brings hard things without a moment’s notice. I am a believer in Christ Jesus Who saves and heals and in the Father God Who loves us beyond measure. I know I am called to trust and believe In Him. In His authority. His power. His Almightiness in every situation. I know I should be still and know that He is God; having all confidence in the God Who has helped before will help again. And I do. I believe the all-wise, all-powerful God knows what to do. 

Still, I pray the human prayer: Lord, someone I love is sick and this is what I want You to do.

Does this mean I am weak in faith? Absolutely not. Does it mean I am arrogant in thinking I know what God should do? Certainly not. 

What it means is that I am living in obedience. Because what God longs for most of all is that we come to Him with everything. The good, the bad, the sad, and the messy. Every kind of emotion. He says, “Just come.”

Do not ever fear being real with God. He does not count it against you. He treasures every moment you run to Him. With urgency. With tears. In weakness. In hopelessness. 

“Just come.”

Be still.

There you will find an inner calming - there in His presence. A beyond human understanding response to the human prayer.