Friday, August 18, 2023

And then this happened


I’ve been watching a free marketing seminar and it has really inspired me. I am excited to try new and diverse things with my artwork. And have gained a lot of insight on how to improve the look of my website. So ready and so excited to get started!

And then this happened. 

Many of you are familiar with the intense pain that is pictured here.

So there is no drawing or notetaking from future seminar videos or knitting either. (I am using the microphone app to create this blog post.)

Being still and knowing that the Lord is God seems to be the only thing I can do right now.

Perhaps you have had a time of being really excited about something, only to have to slow down or stop completely. Trusting in the Lord at that time is just what has to be done. And so we learn to wait. Wait for the Lord’s good and perfect timing. 

Watch and wait with me, as we anticipate growth in both faith and expansion of this small business of mine.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023



#307 Got Spice?
This guy in all his sweetness will soon be available for purchase! Along with many other new fall designs (yes, some of the old fall favorites will be coming around again as well!). All too soon the summer spirit we’ve been enjoying will be over and getting back to regular routines and overloaded schedules will fill our minds. Many we know are going to need a boost of encouragement. This is one way you can do just that! Consider a quick note to someone that comes to mind. The impact will astound you.

Shop the card link below:

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Peace and Joy

Children and Christmas and joy all seem to go together naturally. They get so excited! Cousins and cookies and grandma’s cooking… Christmas kids know how to do it!

 Peace I leave you, My peace I give you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor fearful. (John 14:27)

 Seek peace and pursue it. (Psalm 34:14)

Now you can see the Lord is not talking about whatever kind of peace you can get in a worldly sense. No, His peace is something so much more, so much higher and greater than anything you can imagine. And yet it is available to you and I. Strive, put your energy into seeking His kind of peace… the peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7).

What if I replace the word “peace” with “joy”?

Joy I leave you, My Joy I give you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor fearful.

 Seek joy and pursue it. (Psalm 34:14)

 These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and  your joy may be made full. (John 15:11)

Jesus calls us to receive His kind of joy. Don’t try to pursue some kind of joy that the world offers. You know it falls short. Jesus is extending full joy to us. He wants us to live in it.

Just as children are full of Christmas joy, may we too, live each and every day in the knowledge that a Christ-like peace and a Christ-like joy is ours. And let not your hearts be troubled.