Monday, February 27, 2017

Praying: with you in mind

© 2014 Julie Crane All rights reserved.
I stand silently before the Lord, waiting for him to rescue me. For salvation comes from him alone. Yes, he alone is my Rock, my rescuer, defense and fortress. Why then should I be tense with fear when troubles come? (Psalm 62:1-2 TLB)

Running to You, Lord, is always the right thing to do, even when we should be ashamed for getting ourselves into such messes. You don’t treat us as our sins deserve (Psalm 103:10) but are forever gracious, patient, understanding and forgiving (Psalm 147:5) in dealing with us. You know we are but grass (Psalm 103:15). Seeking You, turning to You, crying out to You in groans words cannot express (Romans 8:26), are all in keeping with Your command “to have no other God before Me” (Exodus 34:14). Many, O Lord, there are many in need of breath while in a storm. Fear and anxiety are on the rise and only You can calm the child in the midst of the unknown. I pray for all – some centering time with You, some anchoring, stabilizing encounter with Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. That there will be testimony by day’s end of the living Lord. May there be victories, however small; may there be awareness and celebration of wins, however small. Count your blessings can seem like such a trite response, but truly may they all see with new eyes - glimmers of hope, love and joy in the enduring; as they wait, as they trust in You. Yes, Lord Jesus, by the power of Your word (Hebrews1:3) sustain them and may they truly sense Your gift of grace upon grace (John 1:16) to them. May they close their eyes and breathe in deeply and release all anxieties into Your capable hands and know fully, know for sure, You ARE perfect in all Your ways. Ways that are far beyond our human understanding. And remembering too, You are loving and kind, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love (Psalm 145:8). You know exactly what is going on, every detail from every side. You know exactly what to do, what is the absolute best course of action and You also know the exact most perfect time for the ultimate best and perfect outcome. You alone are Lord, God, Ruler, King of ALL things. You know what You’re doing. We just need to breathe and believe. Someone greater, so much greater, is handling our difficulties and that Someone is the Lover of our souls. No better place to be.

 Be not afraid to place yourselves in God’s hands.

  God, the one and only—
    I’ll wait as long as he says.
Everything I need comes from him,
    so why not?
He’s solid rock under my feet,
    breathing room for my soul,
An impregnable castle:
    I’m set for life. (Psalm 62:1-2 MSG)

(please feel free to share / forward to someone you know who may need to hear this ...)

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