Friday, July 22, 2016

The Lord - all day long

Mary Magdalene found the disciples and told them, “I have seen the Lord!” Then she gave them His message. (John 20:18)


7:00am Thankful not only that I read God’s Word but that He caused a verse to catch my attention and He was there so I could pause to talk with Him about it


8:00am Thankful that God made me aware of a mistake in my knitting before I got too far along. He was there, knowing I wanted to pay attention to the pattern. Nothing seems to be too big nor too insignificant for Him.


9:00am Thankful for God’s leading my husband and I to take our daily walk earlier, before it got really hot outside. The beauty of His created world in our neighborhood, a chance to talk without distraction or interruption, His presence in the peace and calm and leisure that surrounded us.


10:00am Thankful His presence prompted me to recall upcoming birthdays and a desire to send out cards to let people know they are thought of and remembered fondly.


11:00am Time to just sit and enjoy an apple and watch a little mindless entertainment. His presence filling in so there is no room for dwelling on problems. Knowing it’s all in His hands anyway. Whether I worry or try to fix everything or just blissfully surrender it all to Him – it is wonderful to sit here and remember God is sovereign Lord over it all and take a real break from the demands we put on ourselves.


12:00 noon Thankful my “part-time work” requires me to research inspiring, encouraging word of God to be shared. Today, about God’s presence!


1:00pm Being uplifted myself as I type these God-sightings in my life, my day. How very comforting to have Him so near, so often


2:00pm And now a nap. Because a rest from thinking, doing, and feeling is good for the heart, mind and soul. And I know He watches over me


3:00pm Mail call brings a greeting card signed by a bunch of dear friends from miles away. What a blessing from God!


4:00pm Electronic device not cooperating. Grrr …but the Lord reminds me, right away, do not be anxious about anything! So instead of getting frustrated, I walk away. I can try it again later. I will not be anxious – especially since He just reminded me!


Well, you get the idea. God is profoundly present in everyday life, but you’ll but look.

In great and small things – how have you experienced the living, ever-present Lord this week? I’ll bet you can find Him!


1 comment:

  1. What a blessing to see God in everything we say and do if we only look for Him. A very good reminder. Thanks!
