Monday, February 9, 2015

Thank God for God!

"I AM the Lord; that is My name! I will not yield my glory to another or My praise ..." (Isaiah 42:8)

When I want healing, or help, or something fixed, I know the first thing I should do is turn to the Lord. So I open by bible (and try to open my mind) to see what God will say about the situation I am concerned about. I thumb through, looking for resolution. I gravitate toward passages that say, "immediately He ..." and "with a word He ..." - because I want the same. That Immediate response. And I believe my request is for a good thing - so why not immediately, right?

I'm not exactly ordering God around. I'm just pleading; expressing my desire. I can see a good return for my good request. Makes perfect sense to me. But a voice inside me says,

When it brings Me glory to act immediately, be assured, I will act immediately. When it brings Me glory to take whatever length of time is needed in order to bring Me glory, I will take whatever length of time.

Do you think of your daily living in those terms? To bring Him glory? Do the choices you make fall under that kind of scrutiny? (I am going to do thus and so because it will cause someone to say, "Praise the Lord!" or "Thank You, Jesus!"). Glory to God. I'll admit, I may do that in reflection but not always as a forethought. But that's exactly what we are called to do. That is God's calling on all our lives - and the "lives" of all creation. Bring glory to God.

Glory: lift up high, exalt, honor, great honor and respect, awe and admiration - above all

You, God, are an awesome God! I trust that You know more. I trust You care more. Capable of far more. Fully present. Fully able. And completely wise in all things. We can truly rest and be at peace in His infiniteness. He's got it all. All that is ever needed.

I read another passage just this morning that talked about the wicked being like the tossing sea waves, never at rest, stirring up mud, muck and mire. I don't want to live like that. I want to exhibit a life that shows I have peace in Christ. Thank God. Praise God. Whatever the situation. And in all things, acknowledge:

 All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. - 2 Corinthians 4:15

"O Lord, You are worthy to receive the glory and the honor and the power, for You have created all things. They were created and called into being by Your act of will." (Revelations 4:11)

I do not have to be overly concerned. I can count on God. Praise the Lord!

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