Thursday, February 5, 2015

Come and rest - anytime

"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).

I see it's been a week since my last post. Well, I've had a head cold, complete with sinus headache and a lot of nose blowing. So I guess I just haven't felt like writing anything. I've been waiting (and waiting) to feel better, so I could write something more uplifting, inspiring, NICE. You can understand, right? We all get that way sometimes. Whether it's an illness, or the winter blues, or something else ... just don't feel like it.

I think we are sometimes like that with Jesus too. Whenever we get down, what's the first thing people say? Think more happy, positive thoughts. Count your blessings. Be thankful. Grateful. But you know what? Sometimes I ... just don't feel like it.

So I'm coming to you this morning, even though I don't feel like it. Because there's a lesson to be learned here. Jesus says, "Come to Me ..." - even if you are weary and heavy-laden. "Come to Me." You don't have to be "ON", happy-go-lucky" thankful every time you go to Jesus. Come - just as you are. Don't wait until you feel like reading His Word. With a word, He has been known to calm a storm and heal wounds. And don't wait until you feel full of happy, thankful thoughts before you pray. His shoulders are big enough to hug and hold you no matter what your condition. Snuggle in nice and close (like my kitties).

Trust in Him and in His call to you: Come.


  1. Mary Moses10:42 AM EST

    It was good to hear from you! I've been battling a head cold too - I know how
    you feel. Praying for you, and me, that we start feeling better.
