Sunday, February 2, 2025

Remember when…

 For a few years now, I have been jotting down three (or more) things, good things, that God sent my way each day. It is certainly a peace-giving, love-acknowledging practice to pause and reflect on the goodness of God. I look forward to it. I am eager to slow down and realize His loving presence.

But today, it came to mind to go back and re-read some of those older entries in my praise journal. And I was so profoundly impacted by… well, by God’s continuous flow of such goodness to me. Things I had completely forgotten about that had brought me such pleasure and joy and comfort in their moment. I was re-joyed!

In this life there will be trials and tribulation. Seemingly unending. But there are also many blessings to be enjoyed. Don’t miss them. Pause each day and discover them, realize them - these gifts from the heart and hand of a loving God. And I invite you to jot them down, in a book, or paper calendar, or keep in a jar. And then, revisit them. And be amazed once again…

Feeling a little low? Feeling like God is absent? Here is an opportunity to remember when God… 

… helped before… surprised before… went over the top before.


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM EST

    Thankful for the reminder. How beautiful life is when we pause and see God’s pen inking every chapter

  2. Anonymous9:45 AM EST

    Wow … God’s timing… again… thank you for the reminder!!

  3. Good reminder that God's goodness is never ending.

  4. Julie Crane6:56 AM EST

    So glad you connected with the day’s message from God.
