Thursday, February 29, 2024

Please God

 At first glance, you might think I’m praying, asking and pleading to God about something. How often we begin our intercessory prayers with “PLEASE GOD!”

Those attune to grammar correctness may think I just forgot the comma necessary between the “please” and the “God”.

But what if I didn’t?

What if I really meant… please God. With your living. With your life.

You do know:

Lovingly giving yourself to your family… pleases God.

Serving your church and community… pleases God.

Donating items no longer in use by you… pleases God.

Being a friend.. pleases God.

Being there in celebration and in mourning… pleases God.

Following the Holy Spirit’s leading… pleases God.

Using/sharing your God-given talents… pleases God.

Smile, hug, wave, pray, text, call, sending a card… pleases God.

Praying for yourself and others… pleases God.

Being thankful… pleases God.

Enjoying God’s creation… pleases God.

Praising, trusting, obeying, and resting/counting on Him… pleases God.

Surely, this list is not exhaustive. I bet you are now full of numerous ways to bring a smile to God’s face. And His love to someone else!

What an awesome goal to have today.

Who’s with me?

I am one who is passionate about sending a card to others. If you feel the same, might I suggest you check out the card designs I offer. The link to my card catalog is below. 12 cards for $10. FREE shipping. Be ready to please God and touch the hearts of others when the Spirit moves you!

Friday, February 23, 2024

I want something else

For many, this may be in reference to the weather. So ready for the days of blah gray winter to be over. Others think of children at the dinner table not wanting what is served. Arms crossed. Pouting. And we are all familiar with a week of turkey meals after Thanksgiving.

Do you know that even God wants something else?

We have been set apart. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. (Jeremiah 1:5) That means to be something more than the average joe. To love more than what makes sense. To be kind, gentle, and generous beyond the accepted norm. To extend grace more than what most would consider enough. To be more than patient with disagreeable personalities. Our response to life should be noticeably different in a good way.

You are infused with all this at an almighty-God level. Higher, mightier, and stronger. Much more forgiving of human weaknesses. It’s in you to be so. And we are called to do so. But not in our own wisdom and strength. It’s all God. Backing us up.

Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. (Zechariah 4:6)

We have to want God’s “something else” too. And I think we do. I think we are tired of what we see on the news. We are ready for a shift towards more love and kindness. It’s exactly why we have been set apart. God is calling us to be something else. Something more.

Beloved, set apart child of the living, present, and empowering God… the God Who loves, is generous, extending grace and forgiveness… to you. Oh, what a healing, cleansing, freeing feeling! And we can give that feeling to others.

Where do you begin? It is within God’s power to take your hand and lead you to and through the higher ground; the higher ways of living and responding in His way.

So put out your hand…

Could you use a notecard like the one below? Find it and many more in the card catalog. Link is right here:

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Anchor’s Away

I’m not a water person, but I’ve been told of people that climb into a kayak, push off from shore and leave the world behind. For whatever time they are out in the water, there is only room for peace and the simple pleasure of paddling along. And I think prayer life can be like that.

Oh, sure, I know. There is some work to be done before those glorious moments. Loading the kayak onto the car, perhaps driving through traffic to get down to the lake, unloading the kayak, and then having to carry your kayak down to the water’s edge. But then, you see it. Easy-going waves lapping at the shore. The sunlight dancing on the water’s surface. The gentle breeze hitting your face. Nothing but an amazing view of trees and sky and the lake before you. You step in. You step away. Ahhh…

Prayer also takes a little work. Loading up all your worries and concerns. Confessing the struggle of carrying such heavy burdens. Being honest with God in the sharing of each and every one. But then, you see Him. There He is. Standing on the shoreline. Smiling. Welcoming. Arms open wide to you. You step in. You step away. Ahhh…

But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. (Luke 15:20)

Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. (John 21:4)

How about you? Do you see Jesus watching and waiting for you? Do you see Him standing there on the edge wanting to take you to a more peaceful place? Arms open wide. Step in. Step away.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Scott and Julie’s big adventure

 Whenever my husband and I head out on a road trip, we get in the car and he says, “Scott and Julie’s big adventure!” And that’s exactly what it feels like. We have some fun things in mind for along the way to our destination. We don’t know what we’ll eat but we know we’ll find a place. We don’t know where we’ll sleep but we’re sure to find a nice hotel. Perhaps with a hot tub! And there’s all the beautiful scenery along the way. And pulling over to check out a scenic view. Or historic site. There’s laughing, talking, and enjoying each other’s company. Rocking to music from the radio. An “unplanned” stop for ice cream. A sunset with a different backdrop from the one at home. Yes, we have plans. We also end up with a few spontaneous pleasures.

And I have to wonder if that is what God has in mind when He says, “Take My hand. Trust Me. Follow Me. Enjoy Me. I have a plan but I also have some delightful surprises for you along the way.”

And what if God isn’t thinking just once or twice a year like our occasional road trips. What if God is inviting you to - “Let’s go now! Today!”

Your big adventure awaits…

… a sweet friendship refreshes the soul. (Proverbs 27:9)

… what blessings He must have for us now that we are His friends and He is living within us! (Romans 5:9 TLB)