Tuesday, August 30, 2022

I'm still mad

I know, the bible says not to let the sun go down while you are still angry (Ephesians 4:26), but there are times when frustration and upsetness just seem to take over. On top of that, I kinda relish the feeling. Dog gone it, I am mad! I feel justified in being angry. And whatever it is, whether major or minor, I don't want it to happen anymore. I know you have felt this way too. I want to be mad and pout until everyone knows how I feel about the situation.

So I go to bed mad. Upset. Frustrated. Angry.

And in the morning, when I gather my bible and journal for morning quiet time with God... there it is. All those stirred-up feelings still nagging me. I try to push them aside. I try to praise God. I try to pray for others. But it's just like I learned at a retreat I attended last week. It's hard to figure out dinner when there's a bear chasing you. 

It's true. When there's a problem nagging, it is hard to focus on anything else. And near impossible to focus with the right heart. You have to make peace with what is bothering you. It needs resolution before you can be fully present for anything else.

 So I pour out my heart to God. The God Who understands. The God Who wants me to come to Him with every kind of concern. Even anger and frustrations. God is not upset or disappointed in me. Remember: we know that in all things God works for the good... (Romans 8:28) God can use this. Remember: nothing can separate us from the love of God, nothing in all creation (Romans 8:39). 

Know that God loves and accepts you in your frazzled state.

Know that God will heal and restore.

Know that God will bless you again.

God loves you. His love never wavers.

God will shine a light in the darkness for you.

God forgives.

God knows how to move you forward.

Just do the next right thing and before you know it, you will be able to look back and say, "I know that was You, God!"

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Is it too early for thoughts of Christmas?

 It's hard to believe some stores are already displaying Christmas decorations to buy. There were Christmas movies and Christmas in July sales too. We have to wonder - what's the hurry? Why the rush?

And if Christmas only brings to mind the gifts you need to purchase, the decorations to put up, the meals to plan and buy and prepare for family and friends, plus the getting dressed up for company parties... plus, plus, plus! Well, it is no wonder we groan when all these early reminders - of all that work - pop up. I'm exhausted already. It will be soon enough for all that hustle and bustle, right?

But what if... what if every mention of Christmas brought about warm thoughts of Jesus? That sweet baby ended up saving you and me and the whole world. What if every mention of Christmas brought us a sense of immeasurable love from the Father, the amazing grace we sing about, and the promise that now we can live safe and secure in the knowledge that Jesus has so completely changed us - that we are fit for heaven to live with Him there.

Whenever I can settle my head and heart down to dwell on those kinds of thoughts, I want to treasure them and hold on to them as long as I can. I want to live in that loved and accepted bubble. Yeah... I don't want to wait for Christmas for that feel-good feeling. I don't want to wait for December. Let these feelings of Christmas, of Jesus, come and wrap around us on August 10. November 5. March 4. Let it be Christmas in our hearts every day.